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Know Thy Spouse?new

A bizarrely complicated love triangle that unfolds during the film's 90 minutes. To get technical, the shape of the affairs that ensue is much more amorphous than a triangle, but "love polygon" has less of a ring.
Boise Weekly  |  Travis Estvold  |  04-30-2008  |  Reviews

Good Cast, Wastednew

This pretty but bland film rests solely on the shoulders of its stars.
Eugene Weekly  |  Molly Templeton  |  04-17-2008  |  Reviews

Director Ira Sachs Gets Back to His Memphis Rootsnew

Sachs, who was raised in East Memphis, where his mother still lives, celebrates the local debut of Married Life, which pairs the indie-identified filmmaker with a heavyweight Hollywood cast
The Memphis Flyer  |  Chris Herrington  |  04-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

How to Murder Your Wifenew

Sachs keeps the love-trianlge story in swift forward motion with moments of knife's edge suspense and surprises within surprises.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  04-04-2008  |  Reviews

'Married Life' Gets Dark Laughsnew

It always pains me to use the word tandem "chamber drama," but there you have it.
San Antonio Current  |  Ashley Lindstrom  |  04-02-2008  |  Reviews

'Married Life' is Familiar but Rewardingnew

The pleasures of the film Married Life could be compared to the midpoint of a happy marriage; while some films elicit the ecstatic rush one might feel with a new lover, Ira Sachs' sleek, smart tale comforts us with its familiarity, routine and trust.
INDY Week  |  David Fellerath  |  03-28-2008  |  Reviews

'Married Life': A Light Romp of Love, Lust & Murdernew

Kudos to director Ira Sachs, who turned a low budget to his advantage, using only the most minimal of period set pieces and evoking the filmmaking of the target time with canny, simple camerawork and a talented cast.
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  03-20-2008  |  Reviews

Talking 'Married Life' with Ira Sachs and Chris Coopernew

The four friends in Sachs' mix of drama, dark comedy and a couple of scenes of genial whimsy, are lucid about some things but reserved about others.
Chicago Newcity  |  Ray Pride  |  03-12-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Far From Heavennew

Clearly inspired by Todd Haynes, Ira Sachs' film doesn't quite compare.
L.A. Weekly  |  Ella Taylor  |  03-11-2008  |  Reviews

Putting the 'F' in Family Dramanew

Forty Shades of Blue is a film that proves honesty isn't everything.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Braiotta  |  11-09-2005  |  Reviews

Love Hurts in Heartbreaking Filmnew

The film suggests a marriage of Robert Altman's early work, with gallivanting but rich character studies, and the penetrating view of marriage and loneliness in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Felicia Feaster  |  11-04-2005  |  Reviews

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