AltWeeklies Wire
Why Texas Still Needs the Voting Rights Actnew

The ability to vote—to have this process be simple, accessible, free of intimidation—is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy.
San Antonio Current |
Mary Anne Henderson |
07-18-2013 |
Greg Abbott: Rick Perry 2.0new

Last week, standing before a crowd at the HOLT Caterpillar plant in none other than San Antonio, Gov. Rick Perry announced he would step aside to “pass the mantle” of leadership, officially marking the end of his painfully long reign as governor.
San Antonio Current |
Mary Tuma |
07-18-2013 |
State of the San Antonionew

Mayor Julián Castro had big shoes to fill delivering his State of the City speech last week –– namely, his own.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
03-06-2013 |
Five (perhaps) legit reasons not to votenew

1. It's Not Your Duty. Whether or not you agree that U.S. military policy is about protecting democracies, in the U.S. you have both the right to exercise your vote, and your right not to.
San Antonio Current |
Jeffrey Wright |
10-31-2012 |
Ten Reasons to Vote This Year ... or Notnew

With such paltry return on your ballot investment, why would you spend your time, gasoline, or brainpower on voting, whether you are Republican, Democrat, minor party, or independent?
San Antonio Current |
jeffrey Wright |
10-31-2012 |
Council Watchnew

The proposed Convention Center expansion, a massive expenditure that's been waiting in the wings for months, is set to hit City Council this week.
San Antonio Current |
SA Current News Team |
09-20-2012 |
Tags: council watch
Newsmonger: First Camp Lejeune, Next Toxic Triangle?, Inside closed Lackland briefingnew

Council last week gave unanimous blessing to Alamo Beer Co.'s plans to build a microbrewery on the east end of the historic Hays Street Bridge, approving a near $800,000 incentive package that lets Alamo Beer set up tables and chairs on the historic bridge deck rent-free.
San Antonio Current |
SA Current News Team |
08-10-2012 |
Tags: toxic triangle, camp lejeune
Last Words: Build your own Castro campaign posternew

Now that he's scored one of the hottest speaking gigs in politics, September's Democratic National Committee keynote, what's next for Mayor Julián Castro?
San Antonio Current |
SA Current News Team |
08-09-2012 |
San Antonio man sues feds, state to get God out of court (and off the bills), Real ID wrasslin' continues in D.C., New documents show where DPS wanted drones in South Texasnew

David Dornak wants to kick God out of court. Hell, he’d deport Him from the country if he could, for all Judeo-Christian religious belief has done for the county (not to mention the poor and starving of the world, kept poor and starving in part by “well-meaning” self-professed Christians in Congress denying aid for family planning, but don’t get him started).
San Antonio Current |
SA Current News Team |
07-20-2012 |
Green Party of Texas hopes to create viable alternativenew

David Collins walked to the front of the Hill Country cabin with a green toga draped over shirt, tie and slacks, a throwback, he said, to mankind's first republic: the Roman Senate.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
06-19-2012 |
Tags: Texas green party
Mormon Myth-Busting: Is the Book of Mormon the LDS Bible?new

The BoM was written by Joseph Smith, who claims to have translated it from a pile of gold tablets an angel hipped him to.
San Antonio Current |
Jeffrey Wright |
04-13-2012 |
Romney's Mormon Challengenew

What Bexar County's primaries could tell America about the anti-Mormon vote.
San Antonio Current |
Jeffrey Wright |
04-11-2012 |
San Antonio Scientology spat may rope Cruise's best mannew
Last week saw a flurry of legal wrangling in the Church of Scientology lawsuit against a former leading member here earlier this year.
San Antonio Current |
SA Current News Team |
03-07-2012 |
Tags: Scientology, sex trafficking
George Rodriguez lays out his go-local approach for the Tea Partynew

The mostly elderly, mostly white Tea Partiers inside the Northside sports bar sit with eyes trained on the wall of TV screens as a conference call organized by right-wing lobbying group the American Action Network is spinning rebuttals by an assortment of GOP all-stars and conservative thought-leaders to President Obama's "liberal tax-and-spend agenda" over the bar's loud speakers.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
02-01-2012 |
Tags: san antonio tea party
San Antonio Group Pushes to End Corporate Personhoodnew

Saturday marked the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision that wrenched open the spigot on corporate cash, drowning us in breathless campaign-season attack ads.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
01-27-2012 |