AltWeeklies Wire
Addiction and Recoverynew

When the impossible becomes possible.
The Athens NEWS |
David DeWitt |
11-12-2015 |
Former Athens Sheriff Gets 7 Years for Racketeering, Theft, Perjurynew

Supporters of former Athens County Sheriff Pat Kelly applauded him as he was led handcuffed from the courtroom after being sentenced to seven years in prison on 18 felony counts early Friday afternoon.
The Athens NEWS |
David DeWitt |
03-20-2015 |
Crime & Justice
Drug Convictions Rise in Athens, Ohionew

Former Athens County Sheriff Pat Kelly was convicted and jailed in February on 18 felonies related to theft. His supporters have continued to argue that Kelly had outperformed other sheriffs, past and present, in the fight against drugs. The stats tell a different story.
The Athens NEWS |
David DeWitt |
03-13-2015 |
The Making of a 'Molly' Dealernew

The story of how some random kid managed to become a successful drug dealer in Athens, Ohio.
The Athens NEWS |
Evan Peter Smith |
12-05-2013 |
At Penn State, It’s All About Moving Onnew

For a day, fans could put aside the politics and controversy of the horrendous child sex abuse scandal involving former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, and stand as one.
The Athens NEWS |
Stephen Uhlmann |
09-07-2012 |
Southeast Ohio Scrambles to Get Ready for Fracking Boomnew

In Ohio's Athens County, the issue of "fracking" for oil and gas just keeps on getting hotter.
The Athens NEWS |
David DeWitt |
03-05-2012 |
Dispatches from the Ivory Trailer: Doubling Down on Hopenew
The best recipe for times like these probably includes a goodly portion of realism along with a heapin’ helping of community. And if you’re going to take a chance, make a bet that’s sure to pay off: Doubling down on decency, doubling down on hope.
The Athens NEWS |
Matt Zuefle |
04-16-2010 |
Has the Time Come to Consider Real Budget Cuts for College Athletics?
As hoop fans from across the nation continue to revel in March Madness, behind the scenes university budgets continue to be whittled away. Lately, some administrators are beginning to address a set of questions that many observers doubted they ever would. Among those questions are: “Where do the cuts in college athletics need to start?” and “How deep might they need to go?”
The Athens NEWS |
Matt Zuefle |
03-25-2010 |
Is a College Education for Everyone?new
A university education is a great thing, a combination of experience and achievement that brings with it the promise of tremendous rewards. But is it something everyone should strive for? The question can be troubling.
The Athens NEWS |
Matt Zuefle |
03-06-2010 |
Big Money and College Presidents: Can You Say Overcompensation?new
This is the first installment of "Dispatches from the Ivory Trailer" for 2010, a regular column focusing on issues in higher education and college town life. This column is an overview predicting the trends, continuing and emergent, which will dominate news coverage of higher education in the coming year.
The Athens NEWS |
Matt Zuefle |
01-26-2010 |
'Avatar' Really Annoys the Top Pointyheads on the Rightnew

Athens (Ohio) News editor summarizes the criticisms of James Cameron's blockbuster, Avatar, by four leading lights of the conservative movement, and then explains why they're full of baloney.
The Athens NEWS |
Terry Smith |
01-12-2010 |
Tags: Avatar, James Cameron
Anger as Performance Art: The Town Hall Revoltnew

Why do I get so angry about yahoos hollering at congressmen during town-hall meetings? I've seen a lot of this as a news reporter over the years, and am convinced the juiced-up anger is more performance than sincere expression. But, alas, it seems to be working, something one can't say about the tactics of health-care reformers.
The Athens NEWS |
Terry Smith |
08-12-2009 |
Ohio Officials Worried About Higher Ed Cuts From Fed Stimulusnew
One provision of the stimulus legislation passed by the U.S. House that sustained cuts during the bipartisan Senate compromise was billions of dollars designed to aid ailing state economies, including funds Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland was counting on to keep tuition frozen next year.
The Athens NEWS |
David DeWitt |
02-13-2009 |
On the Ground at the DNC: The Weekend and Monday AMnew
The Dems are on the warpath to prove that they can connect with average Americans and change the course of this country for the better while their radical opponents on the street are preparing to tell the world that the Democrats are just one side of the same coin.
The Athens NEWS |
Mike Ludwig |
08-25-2008 |
Letter to the Editor Sparks International Dog Rescuenew
Through the Internet, the locally focused Athens (Ohio) News and an Athens legal-aid attorney had roles in triggering an international rescue operation that plucked six abandoned mutts off a deserted Greek island on July 5.
The Athens NEWS |
Terry Smith |
07-11-2008 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues