AltWeeklies Wire
Sanders' Shifting Stance on Super PACsnew

Few things differentiate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) from his presidential rivals more than his aversion to super PACs — or so he'd like you to think. The Vermont independent can barely get through a speech or a campaign email without denouncing his opponents for relying upon unlimited contributions to the quasi-independent fundraising entities...
Seven Days |
Paul Heintz |
07-24-2015 |
Vermont Publisher First with Sanders Campaign Booknew

Writer and activist Jonathan Tasini was the first to get Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to admit he might run for president. Well, sort of. ...
Seven Days |
Paul Heintz |
07-24-2015 |
'Run, Bernie, Run'new

In Iowa, Bernie Sanders tests the Presidential waters.
Seven Days |
Paul Heintz |
09-17-2014 |
Tags: Election 2016
Maine Gov. Paul LePage Doubles Down on "Gestapo" Commentnew

Following a fundraiser for Vermont Republican gubernatorial candidate Randy Brock, Maine Gov. Paul LePage repeated and elaborated on controversial comments he made over the weekend equating the Internal Revenue Service with the Gestapo.
Seven Days |
Paul Heintz |
07-16-2012 |
Tags: Paul LePage
Recession? Not in the World of Campaign Fundraisingnew

To read campaign finance reports detailing the millions being raised in the Vermont gubernatorial contest, you'd think the recession was a figment of your imagination.
Seven Days |
Shay Totten |
08-20-2010 |
Tags: Brian Dubie, Peter Shumlin
Vermont Legislators Admit Cheating the System... Are They Justified?new
State Rep. David Zuckerman (P-Burlington) has a confession to make that might sound to some like political suicide. He bills taxpayers for his “mileage” to and from the Statehouse — as much as $152 a week — even on days when he gets a ride with fellow lawmakers or lobbyists.
Seven Days |
Andy Bromage |
02-05-2010 |
City Councilor Ed Adrian Is Burlington's Political Provocateurnew

In recent months, heated exchanges about Burlington Telecom have led to lengthy city council meetings, exhausting the participants and audience members in attendance. Yet one city councilor seems to thrive on the chaos: Ed Adrian.
Seven Days |
Shay Totten |
01-15-2010 |
Medical Necessities: What's So Terrible About Rationing Health Care?new
I agree that the rich should pay more to support the health care of those who have less. But taxes won't cover it all. There will be rationing. Indeed, there should be rationing -- also known as rational choosing between interventions that are needed and those that are only wanted; those that justify the risks and costs and those that don't.
Seven Days |
Judith Levine |
12-09-2009 |
Is Vermont Senator Ed Flanagan Still Up to the Job?new
It's been three and a half years since Vermont Senator Ed Flanagan's near-fatal car crash. And many people who interact regularly with Flanagan report he's been acting strangely since the legislature convened in January.
Seven Days |
Ken Picard |
05-22-2009 |
Tags: Ed Flanagan, Vermont
Purple Tunnel Stress Disordernew
Columnist Judith Levine was one of the unlucky purple ticket-holders who were locked out of the inauguration. But she's not bitter. Heh.
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Judith Levine |
02-09-2009 |
Tags: Obama inauguration
In Obama's Slogan, 'Yes We Can,' the Operative Word is 'We'new
The fresh air that rushes in now is the conviction that personal responsibility is not antithetical to collective obligation -- realized ultimately in government -- and that personal reward comes not from getting mine but from creating ours.
Seven Days |
Judith Levine |
11-12-2008 |
How Wall Street is Our Abusive Lovernew
We love the markets because, increasingly, we depend on them for comfort and security. We also love them because they promise romance: more and more, happily ever after. But they also keep us off balance, leaving us hungry -- and unsatisfied desire always feels like love.
Seven Days |
Judith Levine |
10-13-2008 |
Sarah Palin: Just a 'Country' Girlnew

Palin's brand is an enduring one, reliable for selling everything from oil-guzzling pickup trucks to oatmeal cookies: rural, small-town America. But it is the unspoken backstory, at least as Palin and the GOP subtly tell it, that gives the brand its power. "Country" reads red, white and blue -- with the emphasis on white.
Seven Days |
Judith Levine |
09-12-2008 |
Iraq War Vet to Run for Congressional Seat in Vermontnew

Thomas Hermann, an Iraq War veteran running on the Progressive Party ticket, is the only major-party candidate challenging Democratic incumbent Rep. Peter Welch. (Craig Hill will challenge Welch in the Democratic primary.)
Seven Days |
Ken Picard |
08-04-2008 |
Does Vermont Have What it Takes to Go it Alone?new

It's an ideal time for renewed talk about self-sufficiency in Vermont -- about building the network of food and energy and culture that would make us far less vulnerable to the kind of shocks headed our way. But that is not what's happening, and the movement for a more independent Vermont is stuck in neutral, though with signs it might be about ready to kick into at least low gear.
Seven Days |
Bill McKibben |
07-25-2008 |