AltWeeklies Wire

American Consumers and Growers are Left in the Dust as China Goes Organicnew

Even as demand for organic food continues to explode, organic farmers in America are getting thrown under the beet cart they helped build. The Chinese are taking over the market share, especially of vegetables and soy, thanks to several American-based multinational food corporations that have hijacked the organic bandwagon they only recently jumped onto.
Weekly Alibi  |  Ari LeVaux  |  07-07-2009  |  Food+Drink

Bleary-Headed Party Boys Aren't Quite As Bad As They Wanna Be–But They're Still Funnynew

Arguably, the cumulative effect of The Hangover isn't quite as outrageous as it could (or probably should) be. But fans of Todd Phillips' previous efforts will nurse sufficient belly laughs from the film's post-drunken shenanigans.
Weekly Alibi  |  Devin D. O'Leary  |  06-09-2009  |  Reviews

Overcoming Illness Is Only Half the Battle for Cash-Strapped New Mexicansnew

Through outreach work, Health Action New Mexico has discovered common scenarios that force people to fall into the trap of insurmountable health costs.
Weekly Alibi  |  Simon McCormack  |  06-09-2009  |  Economy

The Sometimes Illegal and Often Dangerous Sport of Urban Explorationnew

Urban exploration, or "urbex," is about seeking out forgotten stories, about searching for the places of which we know nothing, about turning down the dirt roads we’ve never before noticed and, above all, trying to understand them.
Weekly Alibi  |  Ty Bannerman  |  06-09-2009  |  Recreation

Mark Rudd: Political Organizer, Ex-Federal Fugitive, Pseudo-Stepdadnew

Mark Rudd and his sort-of stepson recently chatted over crackers and hummus about Rudd's days in SDS, the Weather Underground -- and about the biggest mistakes he made along the way.
Weekly Alibi  |  Simon McCormack  |  06-01-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

What's a Feminist Like You Doing in a Place Like This?new

Feminist art icon Judy Chicago now lives in Belen, New Mexico, long considered by this reporter to be the worst place on earth.
Weekly Alibi  |  Erin Adair-Hodges  |  06-01-2009  |  Art

'Iron Man: Armored Adventures' on Nicktoonsnew

Iron Man: Armored Adventures is a blatant attempt to make the runaway success of the Iron Man live-action movie appeal to the tween crowd. How do you do that? By stripping away almost everything that made the film such a success, apparently.
Weekly Alibi  |  Devin D. O'Leary  |  05-05-2009  |  TV

DJ Forest Green Makes Booty-Shaking, Ground-Quaking Beatsnew

DJ Forest Green started digging for records when she was 13 years old. In her later teen years, Green got into the rave scene where she discovered the healing powers of electronic dance music, or EDM.
Weekly Alibi  |  Simon McCormack  |  05-05-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

How Albuquerque's South Valley Is Giving Capitalism a Good Namenew

Albuquerque's South Valley Economic Development Center (SVEDC) is a small business incubator that provides facilities, resources and training to support the development and expansion of all manner of small enterprises.
Weekly Alibi  |  Ari LeVaux  |  05-05-2009  |  Business & Labor

New Mexico Religious Group Stands by Its Spiritual Leader and Waits for Deliverancenew

In April 2008, reports of inappropriate contact between three female minors and the leader of a New Mexico religious group prompted their removal from the group's property.
Weekly Alibi  |  Maren Tarro  |  04-24-2009  |  Crime & Justice

A Developmentally Delayed Man Files Suit Against the System that Put Him Behind Barsnew

Though Robert Gonzales was never convicted of killing Victoria Sandoval, and though DNA evidence couldn't place him at the scene of the crime, he spent 997 days in the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center.
Weekly Alibi  |  Marisa Demarco  |  04-24-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Stallin': Larry Bob Phillips' 'Piss-Teen Chapel'new

Larry Bob Phillips recently completed a mural in the men's restroom at Albuquerque's Atomic Cantina. It's a beautifully complex mess of desire, sadness and digestion involving bombs, pasta and sex.
Weekly Alibi  |  David Leigh  |  04-14-2009  |  Art

On the Beat: 'Southland'new

Give Southland a little time to unfold and you'll see a crime series almost as distinctive as ER was (at least initially) as a medical series.
Weekly Alibi  |  Devin D. O'Leart  |  04-14-2009  |  TV

Albuquerque's Drinking Water Could Be at Risknew

Groundwater from Albuquerque's aquifer lies less than 500 feet below Sandia Labs' Mixed Waste Landfill. Sandia says there's no evidence any of the waste in the landfill has contaminated the water, but an environmental watchdog group says we can't know for sure.
Weekly Alibi  |  Simon McCormack  |  04-14-2009  |  Environment

The Alibi's Sixth Annual Photo Contestnew

Is photography simply the capturing of a moment, or is it the creation of it? Don't look at us; we got nothing. Instead, look at the work submitted by Alibi readers to our annual snapshot shindig.
Weekly Alibi  |  Erin Adair-Hodges  |  04-14-2009  |  Art

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