AltWeeklies Wire
Right-to-Work debate returnsnew

A fresh debate erupted this week over the effects of the state's so-called "Right-to-Work" law passed by the Indiana General Assembly earlier this year.
MMA in Indy: The state of the cagenew

From barely legal to strict strict, how gaming commissions have cracked down on Mixed Martial Arts over the years.
B's Po Boy: Bocce Ball and Beignetsnew

B's Po Boy, with its excellent, authentic titular sandwiches and outstanding beignets, is a great addition to the blooming Fountain Square/Shelby Street dining scene.
Neil Charles |
08-24-2012 |
A Grassroots Approach to School Reformnew
New report pitches Local School Councils as alternative to school boards or mayoral control of IPS.
Gadfly: "We all must endure cuts"new

Each week, NUVO illustrator Wayne Bertsch turns his keen comic eye to the local headlines.
Pussy Riot's punishment ominous omennew

Russia's response to dissent is heavy handed, but our national tendency to blacklist people who make controversial statements also betrays our principles of freedom of expression.
Steve Hammer |
08-23-2012 |
Nonprofit Dark Money Dominates Politicsnew

Forget super PACs ... more money is being spent on TV advertising in the presidential race by social welfare nonprofits - may of which claim not to be politically active.
Gen Con 2012: Choose your own adventurenew

You call the shots at Gen Con, the world's largest gaming convention, taking place this weekend in the Indiana Convention Center.
Robert Annis |
08-16-2012 |
Drought expanding, but worst may be overnew

A report released Thursday by the U.S. Drought Monitor shows Indiana's drought has continued to worsen, but a state climatologist says the state has now "turned a corner" and conditions should improve.
The Statehouse File |
08-09-2012 |
Romney's record will hurt himnew
With less than 100 days until the presidential election, the public opinion polls would have us believe the race is close, that Romney is neck and neck with Obama. I'm not so sure.
Tags: Barack Obama
Global breastfeeding Latch On localizednew

In celebration of World Breastfeeding Week (Aug. 1-7), a synchronized breastfeeding event, pitched as "The Big Latch On," will commence around the world to promote the health benefits for nursing.
Rebecca Townsend |
08-02-2012 |
Children & Families
NUVO Reporter's Rights Denied at Protestnew

Kelly Lynch thought she was on the brink of a big career break, instead she was singled out and removed from her reporting assignment.
Kelly Lynch |
07-20-2012 |
Civil Liberties
Jim Irsay's blackout gambitnew
Hitting Colts Nation where it lives - on the couch.
Indiana Gubernatorial candidates raise millionsnew

Pence raises $3 million in 2nd quarter compared to Gregg's $1.8 million. Libertarian Rupert Boneham raised just short of $17,000, but is making up for cash shortage with heart, says his campaign manager.