AltWeeklies Wire

Jolie Holland Conjures the Supernatural with 'The Living and the Dead'new

There's something slightly otherworldly about Jolie Holland. And it's not just the rhythmic swing and tonal lilt of her voice, and such lyrics as "Nobody likes a spook / Or so I've deduced / But I've loved some ghosts in my time."
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Andy Mulkerin  |  11-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Mystery Disease That's Killed Thousands of Bats May Have Moved South to Pennsylvanianew

Researchers across the state are keeping a close watch on Pennsylvania's caves this winter for signs that a mysterious New England bat plague could be moving south. In the past two years, tens of thousands of bats in Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York have died.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Adam Fleming  |  11-11-2008  |  Animal Issues

Bob Barr Won't Win the White House, but He's Still Fighting to Be Heardnew

The former U.S. Congressman from Georgia has the misfortune of being the Libertarian Party's 2008 nominee for president in a year when third-party candidates have drawn scant attention.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Marty Levine  |  10-28-2008  |  Politics

Advocates Worry About Landlord Foreclosures' Impact on Tenantsnew

The Pennsylvania statute governing tenants' rights during landlord foreclosure or a tax sale is a tricky little block of legalese.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Adam Fleming  |  10-28-2008  |  Housing & Development

The GOP is Tying to Make You Look Stupid. Don't Let

If elected, some of McCain's worst impulses would be reined in by a Democratic Congress. But a McCain victory will be a disaster anyway, because of what it will say about us.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Potter  |  10-28-2008  |  Commentary

Lawrence C. Connolly Crossbreeds Crime Thriller and Fantasy Tale in Debut Novelnew

In Veins, the interweaving of nature's dark beauty and the destructive majesty of heavy industry informs the story's crossbreeding of crime thriller with fantasy with special potency.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Bill O'Driscoll  |  10-28-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Pittsburgh Hip-Hop Group Formula412 Releases its Long-Anticipated Albumnew

Back in early 2006, the local supergroup burst onto the scene with a couple of high-profile shows and immediately went into the studio. As that hype turned into more live opportunities, the album sat on the back burner.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Aaron Jentzen  |  10-28-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Some LGBT Voters Not Sold on Obamanew

In the primary, LGBT voters went strongly for Hillary Clinton; can Barack Obama get them back in time to defeat John McCain?
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Melissa Meinzer  |  10-28-2008  |  Politics

Windshield Wipers Ruin One Man's Life in 'Flash of Genuis'new

This is, without question, the most gripping film about intermittent windshield wipers ever made.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Potter  |  10-06-2008  |  Reviews

Langhorne Slim Rollicks and Ramblesnew

Langhorne Slim is a streetwalking troubadour, trailed by his faithful backing War Eagles; a folk-singing vagabond, unwinding faithless tales over shuffling Americana.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Parker  |  10-06-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Making a Better Lemonadenew

Heart and Soul Foods is focusing on making healthy lemonade, made simply from water, lemon juice and agave nectar. An eight-ounce serving has 80 calories, and it's delicious.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Melissa Meinzer  |  10-06-2008  |  Food+Drink

Activists Say Voting-Machine Software Needs a Dry Run Before Novembernew

After a lengthy campaign to verify the tallies of electronic-voting machines, local activists may have finally found a testing method that elected officials believe in. Getting those officials to do something in time for the presidential election, however, is another matter.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Marty Levin  |  09-30-2008  |  Politics

Author Nancy Nichols' New Book Looks For the Man-made Causes of Cancernew

Her insights about survivorship are among the more provocative aspects of her new book, Lake Effect: Two Sisters and a Town's Toxic Legacy, in which she argues that instead of fixating on miracle cures, we should look harder at potential man-made causes of cancer.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Bill O'Driscoll  |  09-29-2008  |  Nonfiction

Richard Gere, Diane Lane, a Beach and a Romancenew

It doesn't really matter that you've seen it before. It doesn't matter that you know Lane and Gere will end up hooking up to ease their pain and suffering. It doesn't matter because, as a whole, the film works very well.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Charlie Deitch  |  09-29-2008  |  Reviews

Toubab Krewe Fuses Western With West Africannew

Yes, Toubab Krewe can, strictly speaking, be called a jam band. It plays the requisite outdoor fests, and it fuses Western rock with world music. But consider this band a moment before you dismiss it as just another draw for the drum-circle crowd.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Andy Mulkerin  |  09-29-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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