AltWeeklies Wire

Gay Protagonist Has Epiphanies and Talking Nipples

Writer Brian Francis makes the life of a queer teenager compelling through simple writing and effective characterization.
Monday Magazine  |  Bill Stuart  |  07-06-2004  |  Fiction

Sex and Drugs Fuel Party Prose

Debut novel from United Kingdom author Niven Govinden gets right to the gritty heart of the party scene.
Monday Magazine  |  John Threlfall  |  07-06-2004  |  Fiction

Author Attempts to Define Canadianness

Douglas Coupland delves once more into Canada's identity—and comes up with a taxidermied fish.
Monday Magazine  |  Jenni Cash  |  07-06-2004  |  Nonfiction

Suicide Girls Take Burlesque on Tour

For a growing number of women, sexuality is about feeling great—and doing a striptease to prove it.
Monday Magazine  |  Jason Schreurs  |  07-06-2004  |  Sex

Ultimate Frisbee Is the Ultimate Inclusive Sport

Devotees of ultimate, many of whom are women, love to play this growing community-building sport that stresses the spirit of co-operation over competition.
Monday Magazine  |  Adrienne Mercer  |  07-06-2004  |  Sports

Discovering the Joys of Rope Bondage

Rope bondage is plenty of fun, but learn your knots before you give it a try.
Monday Magazine  |  Ringo Wilde  |  07-01-2004  |  Advice

American Activists, Draft Dodgers Seek Refuge in Canada

Conscientious objectors to the American war against Iraq are finding some shelter north of the border -- just like in the days of the Vietnam war.
Monday Magazine  |  Ross Crockford  |  07-01-2004  |  International

Tricycles Make a Comeback for Adultsnew

In a world where some people collect guns, collecting tricycles seems a delightfully innocent occupation.
Monday Magazine  |  Mark Vardy  |  06-07-2004  |  Sports

Best Stress Aids Include Herbs and Swearing on Secluded Beach

A gimmick junkie and anti-stress insurgent evaluates the benefits of anti-stress aids from aromatherapy to splitting wood.
Monday Magazine  |  Sarah Petrescu  |  05-19-2004  |  Science

Effects of Stress Can Be Painful

Stress is easy to have, hard to diagnose, and often treated with holistic methods.
Monday Magazine  |  Adrienne Mercer  |  05-19-2004  |  Science

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