AltWeeklies Wire

Keeping McCain in the Gamenew

It's the Fox/Talk Radio Money Bowl (and a healthy dose of racism) that keeps this ridiculous McCain/Palin ticket in the game. If the Obama/Biden ticket does triumph, this election will indeed be historic for more reasons than the American media is ready to talk about.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  10-27-2008  |  Commentary

Edward Norton on 'Pride and Glory' and His Obama Documentarynew

From his debut in Primal Fear through roles like American History X, Fight Club, and even The Incredible Hulk, Norton has always been drawn to ambivalent characters. He agrees that it's a large part of what interested him in acting.
Artvoice  |  M. Faust  |  10-27-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

You Won't See a Scarier Movie This Halloween than the Documentary 'Flow'new

The best horror movies are able to make the mundane frightening, and the subject of Flow is a something so common that we take it for granted: water, as abundant as oxygen and just as vital for human life.
Artvoice  |  M. Faust  |  10-27-2008  |  Reviews

Election '08: Talking Taxes and Truthnew

Maybe the presidential race will get closer, but so far Obama's success demonstrates that the Republican campaign against taxes is failing. That's a profound and historic shift.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  10-20-2008  |  Commentary

'W.' is Not a Political Screed, but Rather an Empathetic Character Studynew

Bush fans, assuming there are any left, are unlikely to be much offended by W. It's the Bush haters -- the only potential audience for this, really -- who are likely to be upset.
Artvoice  |  M. Faust  |  10-20-2008  |  Reviews

'The Secret Life of Bees' is Stinglessnew

The story and social context of Bees probably have substantial potential, but the movie's treatment of them is both superficial and muddled.
Artvoice  |  George Sax  |  10-20-2008  |  Reviews

In Paulson We Trustnew

Did the treasury secretary let Lehman Brothers fail, exacerbating the nascent crisis, knowing it would punish liberal financier George Soros and benefit his old firm, Goldman Sachs?
Artvoice  |  Ted P. Schmidt  |  10-20-2008  |  Economy

If Wall Street Gets a Bailout, Will Infrastructure Get a Boost?new

There has never been a more stark contrast between two radically different prescriptions for economic recovery than the one that is playing out here in New York, in the state that is the home of the finance, insurance, and real estate economy -- which just blew up.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  10-06-2008  |  Economy

Ed Harris Talks Westerns and 'Appaloosa'new

It's been 50 years since they first pronounced the Western dead, but it just refuses to stop sucking air. The latest star to realize this is Ed Harris.
Artvoice  |  M. Faust  |  10-06-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Blindness' Has Limited Visionnew

Blindness certainly has an uncommonly distinguished origin; it's adapted by Don McKellar from the novel of Portuguese Nobel Prize-winning novelist José Saramago. But what might well have been provocative and insightful on the page has been rendered portentously inflated.
Artvoice  |  George Sax  |  10-06-2008  |  Reviews

The Simple Joys of Comfort Foodnew

A few days ago I awoke to find that I had a cold. It was my own fault, I thought, for burning the candle at both ends and leaving myself susceptible. Intuitively I craved comfort food: soup, maybe some bread. With recipes.
Artvoice  |  Joe George  |  10-06-2008  |  Food+Drink

Chumps & Champs in the Financial Meltdownnew

No matter who is in the White House next year, the script has already been written. Bailout or fallout -- any outcome will cost us big. The money has to come from somewhere.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  10-06-2008  |  Economy

How Washington Could Shape the Future Coming Out of the Meltdownnew

Let's talk about reform, and your money, and what government should do now that there is a genuine, world-class financial crisis.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Fisher  |  09-29-2008  |  Economy

Ben Lee Has Earned His Place as a Youthful Elder of Indie Popnew

Lee was the kid fronting lo-fi garage rock teens Noise Addict when they were signed to a record deal by the Beastie Boys; eventually he rose to international acclaim via a series of stunning yet unpretentious solo records.
Artvoice  |  Donny Kutzbach  |  09-29-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Eagle Eye' Is a Nifty Thriller with an Odd Detailnew

The thriller is considerably slicker and more exciting than the generic trailers make it look.
Artvoice  |  M. Faust  |  09-29-2008  |  Reviews

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