AltWeeklies Wire

Amazon To Cock-Block Local Businesses This Holiday Seasonnew

Internet instant gratification behemoth Amazon is telling hopeful consumers to go into local retailers and photograph inventory prices in exchange for a paltry 5 percent discount (up to $5) on Amazon-equivalent products.
Nashville Scene  |  Jonathan Meador  |  12-07-2011  |  Business & Labor

Declaration of Warsnew

How The Civil Wars fought for artistic independence and broadsided Music Row.
Nashville Scene  |  Adam Gold  |  11-10-2011  |  Music

Nashville Scene Reporter Captures Own Arrest on Videonew

A Tennessee state trooper arrested Nashville Scene reporter Jonathan Meador during a crackdown on the Occupy Nashville protests.
Nashville Scene  |  Jim Ridley  |  10-31-2011  |  #OCCUPY

96-Year-Old Woman Who Voted During Jim Crow Is Denied Photo IDnew

At age 96, Dorothy Cooper is the new poster child for what's wrong with Tennessee's photo ID voter law.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  10-05-2011  |  Politics

The Unkindest Cutnew

A Nashville company fires a recently paralyzed teenage employee, cutting off her medical coverage — and raising doubts about health care reform.
Nashville Scene  |  Jonathan Meador  |  09-06-2011  |  Business & Labor

Food trucks have taken over Nashville — but there are still bumps in the roadnew

The Nashville food truck craze shows no sign of slowing, with new models either rolling out of the garage or getting fitted with stoves seemingly every other day.
Nashville Scene  |  Steve Haruch  |  07-07-2011  |  Food+Drink

Grudge Matchnew

As a Nashville councilman, Jason Holleman has often sided with Mayor Karl Dean -- but evidently not often enough.
Nashville Scene  |  Stephen George  |  06-10-2011  |  Politics

The Muslim Springnew

In death, can Osama bin Laden finally help those whose faith he tarnished? Nashville-area mosques plagued by vandalism and anti-Muslim sentiment respond to the killing of Osama bin Laden.
Nashville Scene  |  Stephen George  |  05-06-2011  |  Religion

Fired From a Production of RENT for Being HIV-Positive?new

A dispute goes public over an actor dismissed from a Nashville production of Rent.
Nashville Scene  |  Brantley Hargrove  |  05-06-2011  |  Performance

How Easy is it to Ditch the Car Commute in Nashville?new

Members of the Scene staff took a pact of sustainability and agreed to leave our gasoline-chugging, dirty carbon footprint-leaving automobiles in park for a week. While our week of alternative transportation wasn't always pretty, it was educational, motivational and sometimes even fun.
Nashville Scene  |  Staff  |  04-07-2011  |  Transportation

This Is A Story About The Black Keysnew

The Black Keys have moved to Nashville. What does that say about them — and what does that say about Nashville?
Nashville Scene  |  D. Patrick Rodgers  |  03-31-2011  |  Music

Visions of the Southnew

From brimstone preachers to baby dolls, The Belcourt’s new series surveys life below the Mason-Dixon Line on film.
Nashville Scene  |  Jonathan Rosenbaum  |  03-10-2011  |  Movies

Life Begins at Sixteennew

For a teen’s impulsive, unthinkable act, Cyntoia Brown got an adult’s life sentence. Was justice served?
Nashville Scene  |  Brantley Hargrove  |  02-24-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Flooded & Forgottennew

A Nashville neighborhood fights the lingering effects — psychological and physical ­— of last May’s devastation.
Nashville Scene  |  Stephen George  |  02-03-2011  |  Disasters

The House That Jack Builtnew

Jack White's Third Man Records tells the world: Your Music City is not dead.
Nashville Scene  |  Adam Gold  |  01-20-2011  |  Music

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