AltWeeklies Wire

Using Lessons from Katrina, Neighborhood Groups Stepped Up During Gustavnew

Patricia Jones and members of NENA and other neighborhood groups organized a campaign in which they passed out flyers to Lower Ninth Ward residents informing them of ways they could evacuate before Hurricane Gustav arrived.
Gambit  |  David Winkler-Schmit and Clancy DuBos  |  09-08-2008  |  Disasters

New Orleans Photo Essay: Katrina's Anniversary and the Gustav Evacuationnew

What was supposed to be just a vacation, became so much more on my most recent trip to New Orleans. Over the weekend we found ourselves caught up in the mass evacuation as Gustav prepared to hit southern Louisiana. These are the photos from that experience.
NUVO  |  Kris Arnold  |  09-04-2008  |  Disasters

'Trouble the Water': The Big Uneasynew

This new documentary goes into the eye of the Hurricane Katrina disaster that wiped out a community.
East Bay Express  |  Kelly Vance  |  09-04-2008  |  Reviews

McCain's Lies About Hurricane Katrinanew

It's not appropriate to tell lies about helping Katrina victims -- especially if you're running for president. Two weeks ago, in his discussion with Rick Warren at the Saddleback Church, the Republican presidential nominee told a whopper.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  08-29-2008  |  Commentary

Keep the National Guard in New Orleansnew

Starting next month, the National Guard will start pulling its 300-odd troops out of New Orleans, taking with them many people's feelings of safety. Although we understand that the state has limited military resources, and we acknowledge that the commitment of the Guard was never intended to be open ended, we feel that withdrawal of the troops at this time would be a tragic mistake -- one that would cost lives.
Gambit  |  Editorial  |  05-28-2008  |  Disasters

Shortage of Mental Health Pros Puts New Orleans' Psychological Recovery at Risknew

While Louisiana officials recently authorized much-needed funding to shore up New Orleans' resources for severely mentally ill patients and crisis care, reports from local mental health professionals and outside studies indicate the city continues to suffer from a quiet, expansive epidemic: post-Katrina depression and anxiety.
Gambit  |  Sammy Mack  |  05-08-2008  |  Science

One Artist's Leap Of Faith on the Post-Katrina Gulf Coastnew

Mississippi artist H.C. Porter documented two years of life on the post-Hurricane Katrina Gulf Coast, culminating in more than 50 mixed-media paintings rendering real Mississippians and their struggles.
Jackson Free Press  |  Terri Cowart  |  05-07-2008  |  Art

Terence Blanchard is Glad to Bring His Grammy-Winning Talent Back Homenew

He also is a hit with his hometown fans and critics, last week winning two Big Easy Awards for Best Contemporary Jazz artist and Entertainer of the Year.
Gambit  |  Jason Berry  |  04-30-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Why Aren't Alarms Preventing FEMA Trailers From Exploding and Burning?new

The trailers have alarms that warn of dangerous propane levels, but the alarms work only if they are properly installed and maintained.
Gambit  |  Matt Robinson  |  04-30-2008  |  Housing & Development

In the Wake of Katrina, Congress Now Requires Review of Corps of Engineers Decisionsnew

But it does not require the Corps to heed the reviews -- or the reviewers.
Gambit  |  David Winkler-Schmit  |  04-23-2008  |  Environment

Stealing the Shownew

New Orleans musicians blew into Houston on Katrina's winds and everything was magic for a while.
Houston Press  |  John Nova Lomax  |  04-21-2008  |  Music

The 'New' New Orleans: Better for Whom?new

New Orleans' reconstruction, like Iraq's, is mostly building private bank accounts.
Fort Worth Weekly  |  Laurie Barker James  |  10-04-2007  |  Commentary

A Recovery For the Rich?new

Thanks to Gov. Haley Barbour, federal Hurricane Katrina recovery money is benefiting the rich on the Mississippi Gulf Coast more than the poor, advocates for low and moderate-income housing say.
Jackson Free Press  |  Adam Lynch  |  09-13-2007  |  Disasters

Displaced New Orleans Chef Conjures 'Ruby Slippers'new

Amy Cyrex Sins' The Ruby Slippers Cookbook: Life, Food, Family & Culture After Katrina is a book that is both hard to look at and impossible not to -- and it's probably perfectly reflective of the storm and its aftermath.
San Antonio Current  |  Ron Bechtol  |  08-22-2007  |  Food+Drink

'A Wake-up Call'new

New Orleans recovery director Ed Blakely says "recovery" is going to require changing a lot more than the landscape -- attitudes will have to change, too.
Gambit  |  Clancy DuBos and Jason Berry  |  08-21-2007  |  Policy Issues

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