AltWeeklies Wire
Power Playnew

DREAMers score a win with Obama's immigration initiative, but the war is far from over.
Phoenix New Times |
Stephen Lemons |
06-26-2012 |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Should be Charged, Eric Holder Told in Letternew

A group of former prosecutors sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder today asking him to have Sheriff Joe Arpaio charged for abusing his power.
Phoenix New Times |
Ray Stern |
04-17-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Joe Arpaio
Runaway Jury Nearly Sends Man to Deathnew

Overzealous prosecutors, a runaway jury, and a dead 5-year-old.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin |
03-09-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Jeffrey Martinson, Josh Martinson
Paul Babeu's Mexican Ex-Lover Says Sheriff's Attorney Threatened Him With Deportationnew

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu — who became the face of Arizona border security nationally after he started stridently opposing illegal immigration — threatened his Mexican ex-lover with deportation when the man refused to promise never to disclose their years-long relationship.
Phoenix New Times |
Monica Alonzo |
02-18-2012 |
DOJ: Arpaio Commits Worst Racial Profiling in U.S. Historynew

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office didn't just commit racial profiling of Latinos. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Arpaio oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling by a law enforcement agency in U.S. history.
Phoenix New Times |
Ray Stern |
12-15-2011 |
Race & Class
Bad News Day for Sheriff Joe Arpaionew

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was slammed in a damning AP story about how his agency bungled hundreds of sex-crime cases.
Phoenix New Times |
Ray Stern |
12-06-2011 |
Crime & Justice
American Heritage Dictionary Adds "Anchor Baby" to Latest Editionnew

The almighty definers at American Heritage don't seem to grasp the volatile nature of the term "anchor baby," a disparaging remark that aims to dehumanize the U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants.
Phoenix New Times |
Monica Alonzo |
12-02-2011 |
Race & Class
Obama's War on Weednew

In a strange about-face, President Obama tries to hack medical marijuana off at the knees.
Phoenix New Times |
Ray Stern |
10-25-2011 |
Policy Issues
Hell Holenew

Why did Arizona prison officials put a mentally ill man in a cell with a convicted killer?
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin |
09-02-2011 |
Crime & Justice
Slim Pickingsnew

A shortage of Mexican labor threatens Arizona farming.
Phoenix New Times |
Monica Alonzo |
08-26-2011 |
The Protest Art of SB 1070new

SB 1070 has been bad for Arizona and worse for Mexicans, but it inspired a year's worth of great art.
Phoenix New Times |
Claire Lawton |
04-26-2011 |
Reconnecting with an Underground Comic Iconnew

California artist and fabled '70s underground cartoonist Joyce Farmer was using raw meat to make a statement decades before Lady Gaga ever dreamed of showing up at a music awards show in a designer gown made of the smelly stuff.
Phoenix New Times |
Kathleen Vanesian |
02-15-2011 |
Tags: Joyce Farmer, Cartoonists

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's response to Jared Loughner? Slash services from an already beleaguered mental-health system.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin and Amy Silverman |
01-21-2011 |
Policy Issues
Kansas-Based Church to Protest Funeral of 9-Year-Old Christina Greennew

Members of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, announced today that they plan to protest the funeral of a 9-year-old girl murdered during Saturday's shooting rampage in Tucson.
Phoenix New Times |
James King |
01-10-2011 |

One-on-one time with Pinal County Deputy Louie Puroll -- whose claim he was shot by a drug smuggler is full of holes -- produces startling results.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin |
11-30-2010 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: U.S.-Mexico Border, Louie Puroll