AltWeeklies Wire

An Interview with California Lt. Gov Garamendinew

John Garamendi was invited to speak to the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce on September 30 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel which is important to Harbor area residents and businesses because he sits as the Chair of the State’s Tidelands commission which oversees all of the ports of the state including LA and Long Beach.
Random Lengths News  |  Staff  |  10-31-2008  |  Politics

Not Swayed By Fearnew

This election promises to be one of those "bell weather" events that happen once in a generation, shifting the entire political psychology. It will be what Thomas Jefferson prophesied that every twenty years a democracy needs to have a revolution -- preferably without blood shed–ballots not bullets.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  10-31-2008  |  Commentary

Mudslinging Socialismnew

Obama has also been slandered with the "socialist" moniker for wanting to reform national health care, fund education and reinvest in our nation's infrastructure -- all very socialist ideas according to McPalin.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  10-31-2008  |  Commentary

The New Socialism and the End of a Free Market Mythnew

This is perhaps the final crisis, in a line of crises, of the Bush/Cheney administration, which at best, has been a sour lesson to us all in "failed crisis management." The root of all of this stupidity is their fundamentalist belief that less government is better government.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  10-31-2008  |  Commentary

Politics, Economics & The Presidential Electionsnew

McCain says he's for education. But to oppose spending money to replace the Adler projector that was too old to get parts for -- what with holography and laser technology being way out of date -- his complaint proves McCain's real contempt of knowledge and education.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  10-31-2008  |  Commentary

Palin the Impalernew

America's latest manufactured celebrity, Sarah Palin, is intriguing for at least two reasons to those who are easily swayed by the mass hysteria the mainstream media stirs up from time to time over whatever nonentity it chooses to coronate at the moment.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  10-10-2008  |  Commentary

Dawn of the American Fascistsnew

Republicans, as hopefully a majority of Americans have finally figured out, are for the most part a collection of hypocrites, thugs and pious thieves. That is why they verge on being not old-fashioned conservatives, but American fascists.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  09-18-2008  |  Commentary

So What, America?new

Cheney's "so what?" means he's not going to change his mind about the war that he knows is right, even if he is wrong. "So what?" means that Bush is going to veto any bill that Congress passes that might interfere with "winning" -- but just what are we supposed to be winning in Iraq?
Random Lengths News  |  James P. Allen  |  04-18-2008  |  Commentary

Involuntary Servitude at the Long Beach Court Housenew

Every year about this time I get this grinding feeling in my stomach when I get the honor of being summoned to serve on jury.
Random Lengths News  |  James P. Allen  |  04-18-2008  |  Commentary

Busted: America's Right-wing Heroes Mything In Action

Greenwald explores how GOP mythmakers and a compliant, sometimes worshipful media combine to inflate all-too-human right-wing leaders into heroic cultural icons, following the model of pill-popping, draft-dodging adulterer John Wayne, while Democrats are demonized as weak and hapless losers, and substantive issues disappear from view.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  04-04-2008  |  Nonfiction

Mything In Action: An Interview with Glenn Greenwald

Author Glenn Greenwald answers some key questions exploring themes in his forthcoming book, Great American Hypocrites: Toppling The Big Myths of Republican Politics.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  04-04-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Two Gifts From the CIA

Langley feels the holiday spirit with two gifts to the White House ... the NIE and the erased torture videos!
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  01-16-2008  |  Commentary

Why California Matters

The importance of the union's 2nd-largest state should not be underestimated in the Presidential race. Super Tuesday may hold the key to who will be the White House's next occupant.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  01-16-2008  |  Commentary

To Turn the Page or Not

A response to Senator Obama's call to turn the page in American history.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  01-16-2008  |  Commentary

Hanging the Messenger

How Viacom killed Dan Rather and the story of Bush's National Guard service.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  01-16-2008  |  Media

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