AltWeeklies Wire

Anh "Joseph" Cao's Rollercoaster Weeknew

After what had been a quiet election season up to then, freshman US Rep Anh "Joseph" Cao had an extraordinarily up-and-down ride last week.
Gambit  |  Kevin Allman  |  10-12-2010  |  Politics

Ray Nagin Still Factors Into the New Orleans Mayor's Race, as a Reverse Barometernew

New Orleans voters may not know just yet what they want in their next mayor, but they definitely know what they don't want: another Ray Nagin. Polls and campaign strategies bear that out as candidates try to distinguish themselves not only from one another but also from the hugely unpopular, term-limited mayor.
Gambit  |  Clancy DuBos  |  12-09-2009  |  Politics

Senator Charlie Melancon?new

Will Louisiana Rep. Charlie Melancon campaign to keep his seat in the House or go after David Vitter's Senate position?
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  06-10-2009  |  Politics

Bobby Jindal's Cash Flownew

In terms of campaign finances, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal will eventually have to choose between being the reformer-in-chief and the political rainmaker extraordinaire.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  05-05-2009  |  Politics

Hey, Big Spender!new

In his first year in office, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal outraised and outspent his two successors in their freshman years combined — and despite his "buy Louisiana" campaign, less than one-third of his expenditures went to Louisiana vendors.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  04-24-2009  |  Politics

Gov. Bobby Jindal's Top Donors Have Access to Millions of Dollars in State Worknew

Jindal has made such an issue of his own ethical purity that when he does what other governors have routinely done — reward campaign contributors with state work or appointments — it raises eyebrows. And make no mistake: Jindal has used the power of his office to reward friends as much as any of his predecessors.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  04-08-2009  |  Politics

Jindal Proves Ethics Has a Limit -- and a Pricenew

Since taking office last year, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has appointed more than 200 of his top contributors to influential boards and commissions.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  03-25-2009  |  Politics

The 2010 New Orleans Mayor's Racenew

The 2010 New Orleans mayor's race is just over a year away, but it's not too early to take stock of who's anteing up and who's ready to fold in the high-stakes game of local politics.
Gambit  |  Clancy Dubos  |  01-28-2009  |  Politics

Mo' Money, Mo' Problems for Louisiananew

Louisiana officials are discovering that the billions of dollars the Feds promised for coastal work two years ago come with more than a few strings attached.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  12-16-2008  |  Politics

Election '08: The Future of Health Care Hangs in the Balancenew

When it comes to American health care, presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama both say they support better care and more choices at a better price. Their ideas on how to make that happen, however are fundamentally different.
Gambit  |  Sammy Mack  |  10-07-2008  |  Politics

Gustav Sends Another Surge of Change Across Louisiana's Political Landscapenew

If you listen to the rumblings of Louisiana's political rumor mill, the lower Acadiana district of U.S. Rep. Charlie Melancon, a Napoleonville Democrat, could be sacrificed in order to expand adjoining districts.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  09-08-2008  |  Politics

Election '08: Pop Go the Politicsnew

Half-truths, outrageous hyperbole and hilarious cock-and-bull stories bring us fully into the election season.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  08-14-2008  |  Politics

Congressman Bill Jefferson's Blood on the Waternew

Jefferson stunned the political world when he won re-election while under federal investigation two years ago. Now he's under indictment. Can he pull it off again?
Gambit  |  Clancy DuBos  |  07-09-2008  |  Politics

The Louisiana Gov's Attorney and Health Secretary are Double Dippingnew

The shared circumstances of their moonlighting habits clearly raise questions as to how seriously they take their public positions. No doubt the governor, lawmakers and general public expect high-ranking public officials to focus solely on their public jobs, to the exclusion of all other employment opportunities.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  05-28-2008  |  Politics

Louisiana Gov's Questionable Ties Come Home to Roostnew

The sun may have set on Bobby Jindal's run for the governorship of Louisiana, but his campaign's ties to a pending landfill permit and a conservative 527 group continue to grow.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  05-20-2008  |  Politics

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