AltWeeklies Wire
Painting the Politicalnew

Former Buffalo Nine activist and renowned oil painter Jerry Ross returns to his political roots with portraits of 2016 presidential candidates.
Eugene Weekly |
Alex V. Cipolle |
01-03-2016 |
Pop Culturednew

Costumes and camaraderie at Eugene Comic Con.
Eugene Weekly |
Amy Schneider |
11-12-2015 |
Swing Kidnew

Nick davis shares a Lindy hop legacy in track town U.S.A.
Eugene Weekly |
Alex V. Cipolle |
09-11-2015 |
Portland's Pussycat Paradisenew

If the first cat cafe in the northwest is any indication, cats are indeed winning.
Eugene Weekly |
Alex V. Cipolle |
08-18-2015 |
The Iconographernew

How one artist and one building went from punk to piety in the heart of an anarchist neighborhood.
Eugene Weekly |
Alex V. Cipolle |
08-05-2015 |
A Puzzling Proposalnew

How a crossword puzzle in Eugene Weekly led to marriage
Eugene Weekly |
Amy Schneider |
02-14-2015 |
Tags: crosswords
The Art of Black Historynew

Kara Walker’s Tales of Slavery and Power exhibit opens up a dialogue about history and race in Oregon.
Eugene Weekly |
Alexandra Notman |
01-15-2014 |
Día de los Muertosnew

Behind the misunderstood and misappropriated Mexican holiday.
Eugene Weekly |
Alex Notman |
10-17-2013 |
Night Movesnew

A possibly appalling perspective on culture, as seen through the windows of a cruising cab, and as heard in the boozy banter of patrons opting to do the right thing and steer clear of the steering wheel.
Eugene Weekly |
Rick Levin |
04-27-2012 |
Airstream Dreams: Life in a Silver Twinkienew
Airstreams appeal to hipsters and retirees, kids, teens and those of us who read Tom Robbins and thought it would be cool to live in a vehicle altered to look like a giant roast turkey. New or used, people haul them, live in them, fix them up or sometimes just fixate on them.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
04-01-2010 |
Fetish Fun: Kinky Out of the Closetnew

They might spank; they might wear black masks, be turned on by vinyl clothes or think guys in gas masks are way hot. But all of them would like you to know that it's OK to be kinky.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
10-08-2009 |
The Wedding That Wasn'tnew
How to back out of your wedding gracefully (sort of).
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
01-23-2009 |
Nekkid: In the Buff and Bare-ly Legalnew

Oregon has two seasons: rainy and naked. It's time for a hard look at Northwest nudity.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
06-05-2008 |
Rodeo Royals: Yoncalla's Cowgirl Queensnew

Picture a tiara-wearing beauty queen greeting a screaming crowd. She's smiling and waving without a hair out of place. Now put that queen on the back of a horse galloping full tilt, replace her high heels with a pair of cowgirl boots and stick that tiara on top of a cowgirl hat, and you're starting to get an idea of what a rodeo queen looks like.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
03-27-2008 |
Wedding Tips for Blended Familiesnew
How do couples with kids from previous partnerships negotiate weddings?
Eugene Weekly |
Amanda Burhop |
01-12-2007 |