AltWeeklies Wire

Iowa Dispatch: After the Floodnew

It goes without saying that these floods are double-edged swords. But unlike, say, wildfires that destroy houses in California or tornadoes that level mobile homes in Arkansas, there are compelling reasons why everybody should take an interest in last month's Iowa floods.
Artvoice  |  Victor Verney  |  07-07-2008  |  Disasters

Earthquake Experts Say There is a Way to Survive 'The Big One'new

November's Great Southern California ShakeOut -- the largest earthquake drill in U.S. history -- aims to find out how many lives and how much property can be saved through quake training and preparedness.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Jana Monji and Nathan Solis  |  06-17-2008  |  Disasters

Keep the National Guard in New Orleansnew

Starting next month, the National Guard will start pulling its 300-odd troops out of New Orleans, taking with them many people's feelings of safety. Although we understand that the state has limited military resources, and we acknowledge that the commitment of the Guard was never intended to be open ended, we feel that withdrawal of the troops at this time would be a tragic mistake -- one that would cost lives.
Gambit  |  Editorial  |  05-28-2008  |  Disasters

Chinese Americans Reach into Their Pockets To Help Quake Victimsnew

The Committee of 100, a national group of influential Chinese-American leaders, is calling for donations to aide the victims of Monday's disastrous earthquake in China.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  05-20-2008  |  Disasters

Not Again

The New Year might be off to a fresh start, but the Corps of Engineers is up to its old tricks of missing deadlines and confusing priorities.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  01-07-2008  |  Disasters

Was the Eastern Market Fire Really an Accident?new

That fire and several more recent Capitol Hill fires have something in common: burned-out trash containers.
Washington City Paper  |  Jason Cherkis  |  12-27-2007  |  Disasters

The Power and the Glorynew

The local electrical company had a plan for a massive ice storm like this. And now, we are basking in the glow.
Urban Tulsa Weekly  |  Brian Ervin  |  12-20-2007  |  Disasters

FEMA Traliers Going Up In Flamesnew

Occupants of FEMA trailers, already sickened by formaldehyde, also face a high risk of injury or death due to trailer fires.
Gambit  |  Matt Robinson  |  12-12-2007  |  Disasters

California Fire Whisperersnew

Facing down the region's wildfires by divining where the flames will spread.
L.A. Weekly  |  Christine Pelisek  |  12-07-2007  |  Disasters

Blowing Smokenew

Did a landfill explosion cause the Santiago Canyon Fire? Umm ...
OC Weekly  |  Nick Schou  |  11-27-2007  |  Disasters

Families of Virginia Tech Shooting Victims Sue Citynew

Blacksburg, Va., faces 25 possible lawsuits related to the campus shooting.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Allison Cintins  |  11-14-2007  |  Disasters

Bad Fires, Good Newsnew

The Los Angeles Times and Orange County Register websites cover the blazes with innovation, improvisation and a lot of help from their readers.
OC Weekly  |  Derek Olson  |  11-06-2007  |  Disasters

The Fire Of the Century ... Of the Yearnew

Hellish fires now, Sahara Desert later, says doom prophet Mike Davis.
OC Weekly  |  Nick Schou  |  11-06-2007  |  Disasters

Is 'Run' the Strategy Against Firestorms in California?new

From the self-congratulations of big pols to finger pointing over a lack of air support, one of the most troubling aspects of the tragedy -- despite the claims of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger -- was how little government has changed in response to the lessons of 2003.
L.A. Weekly  |  Patrick Range McDonald, Christine Pelisek and Jill Stewart  |  11-02-2007  |  Disasters

California Fires Fan the Flames of Hate and Stupiditynew

Long before the blazes were anywhere near contained, the rhetorical ash began raining down from the blogosphere and elsewhere, as both ends of the political spectrum saw in the fires grave portents for the republic.
L.A. Weekly  |  Steven Mikulan  |  11-02-2007  |  Disasters

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