AltWeeklies Wire

Veterans Give Somber Mood to Antiwar Protestnew

Saturday’s march in Washington, D.C., was sobered by the presence of hundreds of military family members and alienated Iraq war vets, whose voices have given the antiwar movement a new center of gravity.
The Village Voice  |  Sarah Ferguson  |  09-26-2005  |  War

Tennessee Troops Patrol Volatile Eastern Iraqnew

Diyali Province is a potential battleground between Iraq's religious and ethnic groups, and between the West and Iran. The fear is of a full-on, all-out, 1,000-dead-per-day war, like the one between Iran and Iraq in the 1980s.
The Village Voice  |  David Axe  |  02-25-2005  |  War

Veteran Stars of Bush's Inauguration Have Scarsnew

More than 15,000 soldiers have been medically evacuated from Iraq. Some of the injured, like Chris Bain, will be sitting a few tables away from George W. Bush at one of the inaugural balls.
The Village Voice  |  Kareem Fahim  |  01-20-2005  |  War

Spare Parts and Body Armor on GIs' Christmas Listnew

In Iraq, people need clean drinking water, rebuilt schools, jobs and medicine while the U.S. military is short of such essentials as body armor, radios, and the right-size desert boots.
The Village Voice  |  James Ridgeway  |  12-15-2004  |  War

Dead-Check in Fallujanew

The infamous video: A Marine stands over a wounded Arab sprawled on the floor of a mosque and shoots him in the head. What military officials are not saying is that the Marine's behavior conforms to training that is fairly standard in some units. It's called "dead-checking."
The Village Voice  |  Evan Wright  |  11-24-2004  |  War

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