AltWeeklies Wire
Ask the Questionsnew
Does the slug fest over gun rights (or reproductive rights or fill-in-the-blank rights) need to be at such a stalemate?
Jackson Free Press |
Ronni Mott |
08-04-2013 |
Policy Issues
ALEC Pushes Stand-Your Ground Billsnew
Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, which received widespread media coverage after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin Feb. 26, 2012, is similar to Mississippi's Castle Doctrine, with one major difference: location doesn't matter.
Jackson Free Press |
Jacob Fuller |
01-17-2013 |
Policy Issues
What Happened to the Violence Against Women Act?new
Without reauthorization, increased protection for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault is at risk for the first time in 18 years.
Jackson Free Press |
Ronni Mott |
01-11-2013 |
Policy Issues
The Truth About Obamacarenew
If you spent any amount of time listening to the nattering voices of the negative, chances are you've heard any number of rumors, lies and half-truths about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Allow us to help you sort it out.
Jackson Free Press |
Ronni Mott |
12-07-2012 |
Policy Issues
Finger Scanners Spark Concernsnew
Parents and child-care providers have concerns about a new state program that requires a finger scan when picking up or dropping off kids at day care.
Jackson Free Press |
R.L. Nave |
10-01-2012 |
Policy Issues
Where Voter ID Stands in Mississippinew
After years of unsuccessfully trying to get the Mississippi Legislature to pass a voter ID law, last November, state conservatives put the issue of voter ID to the state's voters.
Jackson Free Press |
Ronni Mott |
08-31-2012 |
Policy Issues
Raise Your Voicenew
Imam Ali Siddiqui is intimately familiar with the destructive nature of religious fundamentalism and the problems of immigration in the modern world.
Jackson Free Press |
Ronni Mott |
03-31-2012 |
Policy Issues
Wedge Issues Bring Heated Debatesnew
Mississippi Democrats turned up the heat in debates over abortion, immigration and voter rights last week.
Jackson Free Press |
R.L. Nave |
03-18-2012 |
Policy Issues
Personhood: A Pandora’s Boxnew
Mississippi's Personhood Initiative is short: "Should the term 'person' be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the equivalent thereof?" Legal and medical experts say the vague language could lead to chaos for women and families.
Jackson Free Press |
Valerie Wells |
11-03-2011 |
Policy Issues
Jackson's Budget Crisis Deepensnew
City Council voted to reduce the salaries of two rejected department heads; meanwhile, the state auditor has asked for budget documents.
Jackson Free Press |
Brian Johnson and Adam Lynch |
05-31-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Tuck Revisits Tobacco Taxnew
Lt. Gov. Amy Tuck takes up the struggle to tax cigarettes one more time.
Jackson Free Press |
Adam Lynch |
01-25-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Supervisors' Clash Continuesnew
Hinds County supervisors clash over open meetings and a $14 million parking garage.
Jackson Free Press |
Matt Saldana |
01-25-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Temp-Gate Rocks Citynew
City Council puts its foot down over paying temp agencies after Mayor Frank Melton refuses to hand over names and salaries.
Jackson Free Press |
Brian Johnson and Adam Lynch |
12-28-2006 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Oversee This, But Not Thatnew
Gov. Haley Barbour tries to have it both ways as he celebrates a court decision withholding funds from the state's anti-smoking effort.
Jackson Free Press |
Adam Lynch |
10-27-2006 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
The Coast's Forgotton Poornew
One year after Katrina, no provision has been made for low-income families and renters on the Gulf Coast.
Jackson Free Press |
Brian Johnson |
09-06-2006 |
Policy Issues