AltWeeklies Wire
Biggest U.S. Neo-Nazi Group Sets Up Shop in Detroitnew
The National Socialist Movement has moved its HQ to a majority African-American city, the metro area of which is also home to the country's largest Middle Eastern population, a sizable Jewish community and thousands of other immigrants. Why?
Metro Times |
Staff |
04-22-2008 |
Mubarakah Ibrahim and Her Muslim Sisters Break Stereotypes and Empower Womennew
In the two years that Ibrahim has owned New Haven's Balance Fitness, her business has been making waves far beyond the health industry. She has become something of a poster child for a breed of Muslim women who are publicly defying the stereotypes of suppressed, submissive women of Islam.
New Haven Advocate |
Alexis Fitts |
04-22-2008 |
Miami's Catholic Leaders Covered for a Priest Who Drugged and Sodomized at Least 12 Boysnew
By overlooking reports that Rev. Neil Doherty was a sexual predator, the archdiocese, it is claimed, made it possible for him to strike again. And again.
Miami New Times |
Thomas Francis |
04-21-2008 |
Matzo Maven: Pondering the Passover Paradoxnew
To my mind, the point of Passover isn't deprivation but difference -- not just between this week and every other week but, more importantly, between oppression and liberation. What makes the holiday all the more powerful is that we observe it so personally, in the minutiae of our daily lives.
Seven Days |
Ruth Horowitz |
04-21-2008 |
Utah's Legislature Doesn't Have Time for Polygamistsnew
Utah has been blind and mute regarding polygamy since the LDS Church formally forbade the practice in favor of statehood in the 1890s, because despite what evils may lurk in the hearts of the polygamist collective, the majority of Utahans remain sympathetic to polygamists.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
John Saltas |
04-17-2008 |
Sojourn Church: Conservative Christianity Paraded as Hip Youth Culturenew
In its purest form, Sojourn is a Southern Baptist church. Pastors counsel a strict adherence to scripture, which means abortion is murder, men are the natural-order leaders and homosexuality is a sin from which gays need to be converted and redeemed. That doesn't usually go with pearloid buttons and horn-rimmed glasses.
LEO Weekly |
Stephen George |
04-11-2008 |
Emerging Church Movement Brings Postmodern Christian Dialogue to Baltimorenew
Three years ago, the words "emerging church" would likely elicit a blank stare. Now, mention the movement and people might start talking about Shane Claiborne, author of Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals, emerging-church guru Brian McLaren's "Everything Must Change" conference, or Scot McKnight's Jesus Creed blog.
Baltimore City Paper |
Diane Reynolds |
04-08-2008 |
Anonymous Takes On Scientologynew

Project Chanology pits an anarchic, leaderless group of mostly young and tech-savvy activists organized through online forums and chat rooms against a religion formed in the 1950s whose adherents believe a science-fiction writer laid down the course to world salvation.
Baltimore City Paper |
Chris Landers |
04-08-2008 |
Young, Asian American, and Christiannew
UC Berkeley is home to some of the brightest young minds in the country -- and many of them are increasingly drawn to evangelical Christianity.
East Bay Express |
Kathleen Richards |
04-03-2008 |
Tags: religion
Summit Ministries Spreads the Word -- and Some Worrynew
Changing or safeguarding young minds is more Summit's business, and today things are humming.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Anthony Lane |
04-01-2008 |
Tags: religion
Priestin' Ain't Easynew
For a couple of Delray padres, the high life allegedly got in the way of their priestly duties.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Amy Guthrie |
03-25-2008 |
Tags: religion
Inside Essex Alliancenew
Vermont's largest house of worship is searching for souls -- and space.
Seven Days |
Mike Ives |
03-21-2008 |
Tags: religion
Meet the Real Jewsnew
According to the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, everything you've been taught is a lie. The real Jews are black.
Washington City Paper |
Angela Valdez |
03-20-2008 |
Tags: religion
GLBT Issues Still Divide Moderate Southern Baptistsnew
"There seems to me to be a real incongruency between what they were preaching and what they were practicing," Rev. Nancy Petty said. "No one was asking them to endorse gays and lesbians. All that we were asking was to have a place at the table."
Tags: religion
Opposing Scientologynew
Protesters gather outside the new Philly HQ.
Philadelphia Weekly |
St. John Barned-Smith |
03-17-2008 |
Tags: religion