AltWeeklies Wire

Onward, Christian Radionew

A New York religious radio station tries to save the souls of wayward Montrealers.
Montreal Mirror  |  Genevieve Marshall  |  03-07-2008  |  Religion

When Teens Encounter Christ, All Hell Breaks Loosenew

The three-day Christian gala known as Teens Encountering Christ is so secretive, the only way to find out what happens there is to go undercover -- so that's what I did. But unlike the true believers, I had no intention of keeping secrets.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Matt Snyders  |  03-05-2008  |  Religion

Pentecostal Preacher Sherman Allen Turns Out to Be Reverend Spankynew

The Forth Worth preacher is accused of beating, threatening and assaulting women for more than 20 years.
Dallas Observer  |  Julie Lyons  |  02-25-2008  |  Religion

Baptism by Firenew

For a group so hell bent on the notion that they are doing all they can to address how the Southern Baptist Convention deals with clergy abuse, they certainly aren't doing much to get the word out about what changes are in the works.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  02-25-2008  |  Religion

What Would Jesus Say?new

Churchgoers are asking for protection against clergy sex abuse, but the Nashville-based Southern Baptist Convention says there's little it can do to fend for the flock.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  02-14-2008  |  Religion

Why Are Some Catholics Wearing Burlap This Lent?new

The answer: sex abuse by priests.
Willamette Week  |  Shefali Kulkarni  |  02-13-2008  |  Religion

The Cover-Up Habitnew

It’s hard to sympathize with the Milwaukee Catholic Archdiocese’s claim that it could face financial ruin as a result of paying for its past misdeeds when it continues to try to cover up those misdeeds.
Shepherd Express  |  Joel McNally  |  02-08-2008  |  Religion

Rolling Holynew

Can you find God in a North Philly skate hall?
Philadelphia City Paper  |  J.F. Pirro  |  01-15-2008  |  Religion

The Social Conscience of a Missionarynew

It's a long way from Denver to Haiti, but Dan Jeune wants to bridge the gap. With friendship.
Westword  |  Luke Turf  |  01-07-2008  |  Religion

Pastor Simon Graves Wants to Dunk Crooked Polsnew

He wants you to understand why this town should start dunking its crooked politicians. He wants you to believe in the stool.
Miami New Times  |  Calvin Godfrey  |  01-07-2008  |  Religion

Beyond the Horror at New Life Churchnew

Other churches, but not all, have been able to thrive again after enduring tragedies.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Anthony Lane  |  12-18-2007  |  Religion

American Airlines to Buddhist Monk: You Stink!new

Body odor gripe got religious leader booted from flight.
Isthmus  |  Bill Lueders  |  12-17-2007  |  Religion

Who You Calling a Witch?new

Pagans struggle to come out of the broom closet.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  12-12-2007  |  Religion

Mutiny in Heavennew

Philip Pullman's fantasy novels are condemned as a crash course in militant atheism. But one BU professor thinks otherwise.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  12-11-2007  |  Religion

Pews for Jewsnew

A Seattle evangelical is building a local connection to Israel.
Seattle Weekly  |  Nina Shapiro  |  12-10-2007  |  Religion

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