AltWeeklies Wire

I can haz No Kill?new

No-kill by 2012? No way.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Barajas  |  08-31-2011  |  Animal Issues

Buffalo Soldiersnew

Activists and government agents clash over America's last wild, genetically pure bison.
Planet Jackson Hole  |  Benjamin R. Bombard  |  07-08-2011  |  Animal Issues

Conserving Catsnew

Groups in Mexico and the U.S. join forces to create an innovative jaguar-protection reserve.
Tucson Weekly  |  A. Greene  |  06-02-2011  |  Animal Issues

Pets and Pathologynew

Keeping too many animals can lead to situations both dangerous and disgusting.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  05-27-2011  |  Animal Issues

Wild in the Streetsnew

There's been a population explosion of wild critters in New Orleans this Spring.
Gambit  |  Kevin Allman  |  05-24-2011  |  Animal Issues

What Will Be the Fate of the Mustang?new

Advocates worry about the future of America’s iconic wild horses following a recent roundup.
Chico News & Review  |  Melissa Daugherty  |  04-22-2011  |  Animal Issues

Andres Valdez: The Dog Whisperer of San Antonionew

Valdez is working to save San Antonio's dogs -- and restore our humanity.
San Antonio Current  |  Barbara Renaud Gonzalez  |  04-11-2011  |  Animal Issues

High Levels of Drugs Found in Cattle Linked to Dairiesnew

When test results released last year by the United States Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service showed extremely high levels of drugs and antibiotics in cattle from dairies across the nation, the federal agency announced it would launch a series of tests to address a potential problem. The Idaho dairy industry decided to preclude the FDA action with some unofficial testing of its own. Yet records of the testing are inaccessible and records of their strategy meeting don't exist.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  04-07-2011  |  Animal Issues


More victims of the down economy: pets and the shelters that protect them.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  03-31-2011  |  Animal Issues

Doggie DNAnew

More and more pet owners are testing their canine’s chromosomes.
Seven Days  |  Andy Bromage  |  03-28-2011  |  Animal Issues

Safety Net or Dead End?new

The politics of animal welfare in Austin.
Austin Chronicle  |  Josh Rosenblatt  |  02-18-2011  |  Animal Issues

Mimi and the Mannew

Wounded Iraq veteran Steven Woods denies that his pit bull Mimi, who has helped him overcome PTSD problems, bit an elderly man in his neighborhood.
Fort Worth Weekly  |  Eric Griffey  |  12-08-2010  |  Animal Issues

Dog Beat Dognew

To pull off the biggest dogfighting bust in U.S. history, investigators went deep undercover. So did their dogs.
Riverfront Times  |  Keegan Hamilton  |  09-02-2010  |  Animal Issues

Louisiana Pet Shelters Are Overflowingnew

Pets Are Given Up for Adoption Due to Gulf Oil Spill
Santa Barbara Independent  |  Lisa Acho Remorenko  |  08-16-2010  |  Animal Issues

It Bitesnew

The retreat of State Farm from the Florida insurance pool leaves some dog owners scrambling to find insurance.
Orlando Weekly  |  Erin Sullivan  |  07-22-2010  |  Animal Issues

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