AltWeeklies Wire

Police Investigate Allegations of Animal Cruelty at Oakland Poundnew

An ex-employee alleges sloppiness at the Oakland shelter has led to animal deaths and cruelty, such as live dogs being put in freezers with euthanized animals.
East Bay Express  |  Will Harper  |  02-15-2005  |  Animal Issues

Houston Looks for the Fido Solutionnew

The ultimate answer to too many strays, cash-strapped budgets, animal shelter abuses and starving people may be thinning the herd of cats and dogs.
Houston Press  |  Richard Connelly  |  02-08-2005  |  Animal Issues

Dogs Have Right to Comforts but No Public Sexnew

A blue law in San Francisco's Health Code says it's illegal for animals to "breed on public property." There's apparently no place for pets in this Mecca of free sexual expression.
SF Weekly  |  Matt Smith  |  01-26-2005  |  Animal Issues

Fighting Big Beefnew

Montana meat packer John Munsell files a potentially groundbreaking lawsuit against the USDA.
Missoula Independent  |  Mike Keefe-Feldman  |  11-04-2004  |  Animal Issues

In Cities and Suburbs, It's Man vs. Animalnew

At the risk of offending both groups, the problem of animals in the city is a lot like the problem of drug dealers in the city: You can kill them and cage them up all you want, but they'll never go away. We're just starting to realize, in both instances, that education and reform are needed in a big way.
Syracuse New Times  |  Justin Park  |  11-04-2004  |  Animal Issues

Sheep Suitnew

The state of Arizona may finally dun the developer responsible for destroying a quarter of a bighorn herd.
Tucson Weekly  |  Tim Vanderpool  |  10-22-2004  |  Animal Issues

Internal Documents Point to Primate Abuse at Emorynew

Internal documents obtained and released last week by a Cincinnati-based animal advocate group show that Emory University and its Yerkes National Primate Research Center might have violated the federal Animal Welfare Act, resulting in the death of a rhesus monkey.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Alyssa Abkowitz  |  10-14-2004  |  Animal Issues

Brothers Blame Endangered Panther for Attacks on Animalsnew

An eccentric ecologist and a couple of feisty backwoods boys claim that a rare Florida panther is on the attack.
Miami New Times  |  Forrest Norman  |  10-12-2004  |  Animal Issues

Everyone's Clucking About Backyard Chickens

They help the garden, devour kitchen scraps, and give you free-range eggs at home. No wonder urban-dwellers are loving backyard poultry.
Monday Magazine  |  Heather Mah  |  10-01-2004  |  Animal Issues

Dear PETA, We're Throughnew

I've stood up for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for years, but the Holocaust on a Plate campaign is the last straw.
NOW Magazine  |  Mike Smith  |  09-22-2004  |  Animal Issues

Fear of an Indian Toeholdnew

In western Montana, at the 96-year-old National Bison Range, negotiations for a management handover to local tribes will set precedent for public lands all across America.
Missoula Independent  |  Brad Tyer  |  09-16-2004  |  Animal Issues

Foie Wha? Tempers Run High Over Foie Grasnew

Some claim foie gras (fatty liver of force-fed ducks) is heaven on toast, and some claim it’s animal cruelty. Who’s right?
Metroland  |  Ashley Thiry  |  08-26-2004  |  Animal Issues

Telling Tails: An Animal Communicator Makes House Callsnew

Shirley Bice says she's not quite like Dr. Dolittle. The animals don't talk out loud. But they transmit thoughts, pictures and bodily sensations, which she interprets.
Cityview  |  Erin Randolph  |  08-06-2004  |  Animal Issues

Someone in Mexico Wants to Sell You a Sick Puppynew

Shady Mexican opportunists are falsifying veterinary records and smuggling unhealthy newborn puppies into California, leaving unsuspecting buyers with big vet bills and lots of heartache.
San Diego CityBeat  |  John R. Lamb  |  07-07-2004  |  Animal Issues

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