AltWeeklies Wire

State of Fear in Arizona: Permanent Legal Resident Stopped For Being Brownnew

Rosa's husband is a U.S. citizen. She's a legal permanent resident, on her way to becoming a citizen herself. She plans to raise a family and go back to school. But she's thinking twice about doing either in Arizona after her run-in with two sheriff's deputies a couple of months ago.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  10-20-2009  |  Race & Class

Mistaken Identity in Chapel Hill Hits Race Nervenew

Charles Brown was just walking home, being black on Rosemary Street on a Monday night in June when Chapel Hill police mistook him for the wrong man, handcuffed him and detained him for an hour.
INDY Week  |  Joe Schwartz  |  09-03-2009  |  Race & Class

Lessons from the Henry Louis Gates Casenew

Profiling appears to be a universal experience in nonwhite America. The clowns who toss coats and car keys are no Klansmen, of course, just grotesque boors who have no idea of the damage done when one brain-dead gesture robs another person of his dignity.
INDY Week  |  Hal Crowther  |  08-28-2009  |  Race & Class

Neo-Confederate Lawyer Kirk Lyons on What Could Be His Final Flag Casenew

For more than a decade, Lyons has been filing lawsuits that challenge restrictions on the display of the Confederate battle flag and its depiction—thus far—on T-shirts, cell phone covers, prom dresses and purses.
INDY Week  |  Dick J. Reavis  |  08-14-2009  |  Race & Class

New Mexico's White Supremacists Keep the Hate Alivenew

The national climate is spurring racist organizations to regroup and reinvent themselves by latching onto "birther" conspiracy theories, homophobia and immigration fears, while promoting new philosophies of semi-tolerance and non-violence.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  08-14-2009  |  Race & Class

Admit It: You Hate the Cops, Too

The Gates incident has illuminated some basic, strange assumptions about our society. Cops think they have a constitutional right to be treated deferentially. And black people think cops are nice to white people. Yeah, well, take it from a white guy: we don't like cops either.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  07-29-2009  |  Race & Class

Looking for a Latino Uprising in Community Leadershipnew

Hispanics comprise Colorado Springs' largest minority, 12.7 percent of the population, but why is a search for a local Hispanic/Latino/Chicano movement difficult to find?
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  07-23-2009  |  Race & Class

Council of Conservative Citizens Mixes Wedge Issues With Old-Style Race-Baitingnew

Despite their benign-sounding name, the Council of Conservative Citizens have deep, tangled roots in Mississippi's racist, segregationist past. The group's annual conference is in Jackson this weekend.
Jackson Free Press  |  Jesse Wright  |  06-26-2009  |  Race & Class

High-Speed Rail and Race Relationsnew

Are central Milwaukee politicians blatantly selling out their constituents to support the Democratic rail transit pipe-dream? How can a fixed-rail trolley system serving white collars and tourists downtown be supported by black politicians over a bus system targeted directly at the inner city?
Shepherd Express  |  Theodore Hausmann III  |  04-03-2009  |  Race & Class

Carpinteria School Board to Decide Mascot Issuenew

After a year of community tension, the Carpinteria mascot controversy may be settled on Tuesday, March 17, when school board trustees are scheduled to review committee recommendations. Based on the committee’s findings, the images may be retained, removed, or altered.
Santa Barbara Independent  |  Cathy Murillo  |  03-16-2009  |  Race & Class

Years Before Sammy Davis, Josephine Baker Was Desegregating Vegas Casinosnew

It seems almost like a fairy tale in which a lone black woman—before the civil rights movement, before the integrated Rat Pack appeared on the Strip, even before the Voting Rights Act—stood against the powers that were in Vegas in 1952 and won.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Richard Abowitz  |  02-19-2009  |  Race & Class

Officially and Unofficially, Dialogue on Race Moves Aheadnew

Charlottesville's City Council has committed to spending $10,000 on a community-wide "dialogue on race," and during budget hearings, it will weigh whether to spend up to $50,000 more. But the very idea of a dialogue on race seems to have started one, even before Council has spent a dime.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Will Goldsmith  |  01-28-2009  |  Race & Class

Pain -- and Possibility -- Arise as the Language of Race Decaysnew

The way out of this -- past notions of racial purity and beyond words like "multi-racial" and "other" -- need not be difficult. It will require us to recognize the faulted language we've inherited and consciously opt to ditch it.
Arkansas Times  |  Mara Leveritt  |  12-11-2008  |  Race & Class

Arkansas Nuns Recall Admitting Black Students in 1952 for DVD Projectnew

Before any other school in the state, as far as they know, the nuns of St. Scholastica monastery invited a couple of girls who'd recently graduated from an all-black Catholic grammar school to enroll in their previously all-white girls high school. Now Fort Smith Historical Society members are interviewing the surviving nuns from that era and preserving the interviews on DVD.
Arkansas Times  |  Jennifer Barnett Reed  |  09-05-2008  |  Race & Class

Black Women are Much More than Negative Media Portrayalsnew

Black women are constantly barraged with negative images of themselves and negative information. Even when the information is positive, it is positioned negatively.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  Nsenga Burton  |  08-27-2008  |  Race & Class

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