AltWeeklies Wire

When Life Takes You Out of Your House and Into Your Carnew

Maybe one has even parked on your street: a conversion van, curtains drawn, or a camper with signs of everyday life. They are so ubiquitous in Venice, Calif. that some have been trying to turn the onetime hippie enclave into a parking-permit-only town as a way to ward off "undesirables."
L.A. Weekly  |  Linda Immediato  |  02-05-2010  |  Economy

LAPD Audit: New Chief Releases a Report Showing Broad Mismanagementnew

The city may not be as safe as the 1950s like Bill Bratton often boasted, but apparently the bookkeeping by the Los Angeles Police Department is “stuck” in that decade, and a new and embarrassing audit is roiling City Hall—by explaining how bad things really are.
L.A. Weekly  |  Patrick Range McDonald and Christine Pelisek  |  12-18-2009  |  Economy

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