AltWeeklies Wire
Good Night, and Good Godnew
Some Kansas lawmakers have called for hearings to root out anti-Christian bias at the University of Kansas. Here's how such hearings might sound.
How to Tell If Your Wife's Really Pregnantnew
Kevin Montgomery of Melvern, Kansas, claims he had no idea something was terribly wrong about his wife Lisa's "pregnancy." After all, there's a lot on the mind of the average rural Kansas man.
Test How Much Toxicity You Absorbed From Swift Boat Adsnew
Does John Kerry's expressed concern for those killed in combat reflect his humanity or a long-range plan to falsely aggrandize himself as a war hero? Take this quiz to see what impact commercials put out by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have had on you.
What If Rock Stars Had Their Own Olympics?new
In the Rock Star Olympics, celebrity smack addicts would have to escape Betty Ford, evade drug-sniffing police dogs and run through back-alley water hazards in pursuit of a syringe filled with Mr. Brownstone.
Tags: humor & satire
Queer Abatement: No More Gay Ol' Times in Missourinew
Gays who gripe that they can't get married in Missouri missed the true magnitude of the vote endorsing a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. For once, Missouri had made national news.