AltWeeklies Wire

Did Obama Just Surrender Europe to the Russians?new

Although I was repeatedly warned by my patriotic brothers and sisters via conservative media and countless e-mails that begin "FW:" about how Obama is a secret Commie planning to destroy the U.S. from within, I chose to dismiss the warnings as hysterical fear-mongering. Well, it turns out the fear-mongerererers were right and I was wrong. I admit it.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  09-22-2009  |  Commentary

What the Heck's Going On in Honduras?new

Though the latest political crisis in Honduras has nothing to do with soccer, it is similar to the Soccer War in the sense that it's the direct result of the Honduran ruling class' inability to put the country's well-being ahead of its own petty interests.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  07-21-2009  |  Commentary

What Can Americans Do to Help Iran's Democracy Movement?new

Even though I'm an Iranian-American and think you're kind of a bigot for asking me, I'm going to answer you, anyway.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  07-07-2009  |  Commentary

Is Oil or Religion More to Blame for Iran's Ills?new

Even though I'm a theocracy-hating non-believer, I actually think Iran's primary illness is that it has oil. In my opinion, the country's evil theocrats are merely a secondary symptom of the main sickness.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  07-07-2009  |  Commentary

The Iranian Uprising: Tiananmen 2.0?new

It took several weeks for the demonstrations in Tianamen Square to elicit international attention in 1989. Today, as hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in Iran, we are marveling at the new tools of social networking and political orchestration.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Kadzis  |  06-18-2009  |  Commentary

What Does North Korea Hope to Gain by Testing Nuclear Weapons?new

Like the chubby bully girl who used to punch me in the arm in second grade, North Korea's aggression is really just a cry for help.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  06-03-2009  |  Commentary

War, Wealth, Empire and the Obama Presidencynew

Karl Marx insisted that the only real source of wealth is human labor. The ruling classes may have expropriated some of that wealth with their system of paper and electronic bank statements. But at heart, the banking system turned out to be a fraud. Always has been.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  05-22-2009  |  Commentary

How's That Iraq War Going These Days?new

When President Obama was asked about Iraq at his "100 days" prime-time press conference, he noted the rise in violence in Iraq, but said violence there remains lower than it was during 2008. He was wrong.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  05-06-2009  |  Commentary

Has Pakistan Collapsed into Civil War?new

Someone page Pakistan's Ken Burns equivalent, because we're witnessing a civil war. It's too early to tell if Pakistan's central government, and its nuclear arsenal, will fall into the hands of Taliban militants. But it's a reasonable possibility.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  04-29-2009  |  Commentary

Is the Global Economic Crisis Going to Lead to Another World War?new

With planet Earth experiencing its deepest and widest recession since the 1930s, there are millions more hungry men today than there were just a couple years ago. Anger must be on the rise as well.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  03-18-2009  |  Commentary

What Is the Swat Valley?new

The Swat Valley is a magical place in northern Pakistan where every child is born with the innate ability to batter down doors, rescue hostages and safely apprehend suspected drug kingpins. Additionally, the area's notoriously boy-crazy, clique-y teenage girls inspired the hugely popular Swat Valley High teen fiction series.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  02-25-2009  |  Commentary

What Were the Results of Iraq's Recent Elections?new

Three months after the November 2008 elections, Minnesota still doesn't have a second U.S. senator. Yet we have 140,000-or-so U.S. troops in Iraq who just spent much of their January helping that country carry out its provincial elections.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  02-11-2009  |  Commentary

Can Foreign Countries Bribe the U.S. Secretary of State?new

Despite her obvious intellect, Hillary Clinton is a proven failure as a political leader.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  01-28-2009  |  Commentary

What Is White Phosphorous and Is Israel Using It in Gaza?new

When WP dust comes into contact with the human body (which is approximately 98.6 degrees), it burns. And burns. And burns. People killed or wounded by WP look like they've been dipped in acid. Israel denies that it is using WP in Gaza, but Human Rights Watch and the UN beg to differ.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  01-21-2009  |  Commentary

Did Bush's War On Terrorâ„¢ Succeed in Somalia?new

Instead of replacing Somalia's government with something better, U.S.-Ethiopian forces merely started a civil war.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  01-14-2009  |  Commentary

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