AltWeeklies Wire

911 Is Our Only Hope

George W. Bush confesses to ABC News that he knew about and authorized torture of detainees, many of whom died from abuse. Forget impeachment--D.C. police must arrest the torturer and murderer at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  04-28-2008  |  Commentary

Take John Yoo to the International Criminal Courtnew

Yoo blithely tossed out the window the legal principle, enshrined in federal law, of posse comitatus, which says that the military cannot exercise law-enforcement functions that are the province of state officials. The president, in wartime, has the powers of a king, if you believe what Yoo wrote.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Brian Morton  |  04-15-2008  |  Commentary

What the Democrats Must Donew

Mandate for the new majority: Curb the president's power to torture.
The Village Voice  |  Nat Hentoff  |  11-30-2006  |  Commentary

Normalizing Torturenew

The Bush administration's rationale for torture rests on a hypothetical argument, a legal argument, and a syllogism.
Artvoice  |  Bruce Jackson  |  10-27-2006  |  Commentary

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