AltWeeklies Wire

DeMint Off the Mark With Palin, Reagan Comparisonnew

Spoiler: This columnist will do more for the phrase "anyone since Ronald Reagan" than anyone since Ronald Reagan.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  01-17-2011  |  Commentary

Targeting the Tea Partynew

Giffords' shooting has nothing to do with the conservative movement.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  01-13-2011  |  Commentary

After Removing the N-Word From Huck Finn, the Publishing World Takes on Fear and Loathingnew

A spy within an unnamed publishing house recently sent me an advanced copy of the revised Fear and Loathing.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  01-06-2011  |  Commentary

Holigay Seasonnew

When I was younger, my family always celebrated Christmas together. I have brothers that are much older than me, and despite the various relationships that they were in, it was an understood rule in the family that they were coming home to our house for the holidays. I never knew any different.
Charleston City Paper  |  Lake Terrace  |  12-27-2010  |  Commentary

Let's Put People To Work Insulating America's Homesnew

Each year hundreds of millions of dollars worth of energy are lost through the walls, windows, and roofs of American houses.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  11-22-2010  |  Commentary

Kathleen Parker Dislikes The Big Applenew

Yes, small-town life is the life of individualism and personal freedom. There a man can beat his wife and kids, dump motor oil in the creek behind his house, raise pit bulls in his backyard, discharge firearms in his front yard, and never have to worry about nosy bureaucrats knocking on his door.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  10-18-2010  |  Commentary

Former Nikki Haley Staffer Silent About Alleged Affairnew

Aside from a brief statement to Corey Hutchins of the Free Times, Boling appears to be keeping a low profile, failing to return numerous phone calls and e-mails from the City Paper as well as other media outlets.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  10-13-2010  |  Commentary

The GOP's Pledge to America is a Jokenew

When GOP leaders unveiled their Pledge to America last month, the only thing revealed is that these Republicans remain what they have always been: pansies.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  10-12-2010  |  Commentary

Confused White Peoplenew

I have lived long enough to have witnessed some important changes in American culture and the way Americans think, behave, and speak.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  09-13-2010  |  Commentary

Beck's Rally Was a Dangerous Distraction for Grassroots Conservativesnew

Glenn Beck is better than most syndicated talk show hosts. While right-wing radio mainstays Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity offer little more than Republican talking points, Beck regularly eschews such hackery, instead warning of the "progressivism" that exists in both parties or the perils of blind partisanship.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  09-13-2010  |  Commentary

The proposed Ground Zero mosque is the latest flashpoint in a larger tragedynew

Although the debate over the proposed Ground Zero mosque has thus far been wrapped in religious, constitutional, and nationalistic rhetoric, whether or not a facility should be built should be a decision for New Yorkers, first and foremost.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  08-26-2010  |  Commentary

Nikki Haley's sister is a new age 'visionary'new

Simran is a highly successful "visionary" and "life coach," as well as a magazine publisher and talk show host. She also has some very unconventional beliefs.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  08-20-2010  |  Commentary

In Washington, Positive Moves Happening Below the Radarnew

as speculation begins regarding who will win and lose in the November general election, little attention has been given to the U.S. Manufacturing Enhancement Act of 2010, commonly called the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill, which recently passed Congress.
Charleston City Paper  |  Clay N. Middleton  |  08-19-2010  |  Commentary

Jonah Goldberg Loves Scatnew

I've got to hand to conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg: He is the King Shit of Bad Metaphors. The evidence? Goldberg's latest column on JournoList.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  07-28-2010  |  Commentary

The Big Prize and The Art of Compromisenew

It was always the hold-your-breath moment on the old Let's Make a Deal: After turning away a big pile of cash and a nice-enough dining room set, a housewife gets a goat. When it comes to political movements, there's rarely much talk about what happens when you commit to the mystery prize.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  03-24-2010  |  Commentary

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