AltWeeklies Wire
The Center Does Not Holdnew
Ron Paul gets ignored by the media after nearly winning Iowa Straw Poll.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
08-24-2011 |
How Does Rick Perry Get Away With It?new
Rick Perry. The name alone is enough to elicit chuckles. Big hat. Silly boots. Cowboy swagger.
The Texas governor likes to hold stadium-sized prayer rallies in which he fills a fraction of the stadium and talks to God. Two years ago he held a rally to ask God for rain. Today, Texas still bakes in a historic drought, suggesting that if there is a God, he's got better things to do than listen to Perry.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
08-24-2011 |
What Have We Learned From the Debt-Ceiling Debate?new
The debt-ceiling debate that has consumed us over the past few weeks once again demonstrated that we live in a divided country and that Congress is torn between party ideology and putting the long-term interests of the country first.
Charleston City Paper |
Clay N. Middleton |
08-17-2011 |
If the U.S. doesn't cut defense spending, we can't reduce our debtnew
A reader pointed out recently that my commentaries as of late have concentrated heavily on the foreign policy debate currently taking place in the Republican Party. Now that the Bush Doctrine has become Obama's, a critical eye has been cast on the GOP's tendency to promote muscular foreign interventionism.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
07-14-2011 |
The Lessons to be Learned From the Casey Anthony Verdictnew

The banality of our lives.
Charleston City Paper |
Chris Haire |
07-07-2011 |
Tim Pawlenty Makes His Case for Unlimited Governmentnew
The former Minnesota governor is a liberal.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
07-07-2011 |
What's a Neoconservative?new
Our intervention in Libya makes the definition clearer than ever.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
06-30-2011 |
Ron Paul Won the Debatenew
The entire GOP moves closer to Paul's politics and away from Bush.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
06-23-2011 |
The Patriot Act is Not Conservativenew

Giving the government unprecedented power is the antithesis of conservatism.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
06-09-2011 |
Tags: Patriot Act, Harry Reid
Israel and the Rightnew
An ideologically confused GOP reacts to Obama's Middle East comments.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
06-01-2011 |
The Republican Creednew
A license for greed and irresponsibility.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
06-01-2011 |
Tags: GOP, Republicans
America's Moral Declinenew
The degradation of cherished American values crosses party lines.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
05-25-2011 |
The Santorum Scamnew
Rick Santorum represents everything that is wrong with the Republican Party.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
05-19-2011 |
Who Will Republicans Try to Scare Us With Now?new
I don't rejoice at Osama bin Laden's death, but I'm relieved he is dead.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
05-11-2011 |
Tags: Osama bin Laden
John McCain Now Embraces America's Sworn Enemynew
During the 2008 election, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said that our military intervention in the Arab world was the primary motivation behind terrorist acts like 9/11. Why did Paul say this? Because Osama bin Laden said it. Because the 9/11 Commission report said it. Because CIA intelligence said it. Yet when Paul explained this, fellow candidate and eventual Republican nominee John McCain excoriated the Texas congressman and suggested that he was indirectly giving aid and comfort to the enemy, Al-Qaeda.
Charleston City Paper |
Jack Hunter |
05-09-2011 |
Tags: John McCain, Al-Qaeda