AltWeeklies Wire
Want Change?new
Don't count on the candidates -- take to the streets.
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Michael I. Niman |
03-07-2008 |
The 2008 Horse Racenew
The coverage is all about who's in the lead -- not why or how. We all love a winner, issues be damned. We're the cheering mob with our life savings on the line, and they're the horses.
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Michael I. Niman |
01-25-2008 |
Armenian Genocide Denial: An American Problemnew
If, as genocide scholars maintain, the final crime of genocide is denial, one gets the feeling that the Armenian genocide has not yet ended.
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Dimitri Anastasopolous |
11-02-2007 |
Bush's $hameless Vetonew
The president's most noticeable piece of roadkill to date, victim of veto number four, is the bill to fund health insurance for children of lower-income families.
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Michael I. Niman |
10-15-2007 |
Once and For All, There is No Myanmar!new
Even the CIA identifies the nation as "Burma," explaining, "since 1989 the military authorities in Burma have promoted the name Myanmar as a conventional name for their state; this decision was not approved by any sitting legislature in Burma, and the U.S. Government did not adopt the name."
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Michael I. Niman |
10-05-2007 |
The Death of Brand Americanew
Adding up what the pundits now see as the most destructive legacy of the Bush administration -- the destruction of the United States' image in the world.
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Michael I. Niman |
07-13-2007 |
'If Only This Was a Dictatorship'new
The junta occupying the White House has a proven track record of undermining or destroying that which they rhetorically claim to support.
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Michael I. Niman |
06-01-2007 |
Tags: George W. Bush
Is Bush Backing Al-Qaeda?new
We know that the Bush family's policies have so far only served to strengthen both Al-Qaeda and Iran -- now there are credible allegations of the Bush administration hijacking American resources and using them to lend material support to Al-Qaeda.
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Michael I. Niman |
03-16-2007 |
Let's go back and image what the world would have been like if we'd had a different president in 2001 -- one with the courage to wage peace.
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Michael I. Niman |
02-16-2007 |
A Draft in the Airnew
Our current economic draft is unfair, and, in practice, it's racist -- that's why Charles Rangel is calling to reinstate the draft.
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Michael I. Niman |
12-01-2006 |
Tags: war in iraq, draft
Normalizing Torturenew
The Bush administration's rationale for torture rests on a hypothetical argument, a legal argument, and a syllogism.
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Bruce Jackson |
10-27-2006 |
How can the Bush administration justify putting Saudi interests ahead of American interests?
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Michael I. Niman |
07-14-2006 |