AltWeeklies Wire

A really, really angry letter from a uterus to the U.S. Supreme Courtnew

Dear Justices Alito, Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, and Thomas, Hello, this is Leah's Uterus. I know, surprising, right? But today, you can also call me Ragey McRagepants because I'm really pissed off right now.
Charleston City Paper  |  Leah Rhyne  |  07-09-2014  |  Commentary

Flawed compromise emerges in Fun Home controversynew

Fun Home continues to be controversial, and despite hopeful actions, our legislature continues to demonstrate its homophobia and its hate.
Charleston City Paper  |  Alison Piepmeier  |  05-12-2014  |  Commentary

Should the government pay for Bradley Manning's gender reassignment surgery?new

Shortly after Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for passing classified documents to WikiLeaks in one of the biggest security breaches in recent history, he announced that he was transgendered.
Charleston City Paper  |  Leah Rhyne  |  09-04-2013  |  Commentary

Is Anne Frank's Diary pornography?new

Pornography is Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson. It's Penthouse and Hustler. It's Debbie Does Dallas, 50 Shades of Poorly Written BSDM, and anything written with the intent to turn people on and get them off.
Charleston City Paper  |  Leah Rhyne  |  05-15-2013  |  Commentary

Mark Sanford's victory is a triumph of ideology over decencynew

The good news is that Jon Stewart will have no shortage of material for The Daily Show in the foreseeable future. The bad news is that the good people of South Carolina's 1st Congressional District will hang their heads and deny their origins when they travel beyond the Lowcountry in the foreseeable future.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  05-09-2013  |  Commentary

The League of Women Voters champions ethics reform in Columbianew

Charleston County's legislative delegation has been making a lot of news lately, and not the kind that makes us proud.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  05-02-2013  |  Commentary

Gay marriage is not a simple step forwardnew

Don't get me wrong. I love weddings. I love big parties full of food, happy people, and hopefully, an open bar. I love it when the gays, the homos, the queers, the fags, the queens, the dykes, and the feisty bisexuals are all working it out on the same dance floor.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jenna Lyles  |  04-18-2013  |  Commentary

Is Homeland Security creating a national, drone-based police force?new

Every neighborhood has a walking guy. He's the one who always seems to be out there exercising in every kind of weather. He's an institution, as much a part of the neighborhood as the pool or the park. My husband is our neighborhood's walking guy.
Charleston City Paper  |  Tara Servatius  |  03-20-2013  |  Commentary

Is Charleston becoming an economic powerhouse?new

Twenty years ago, it was assumed that Charlotte would be the next big East Coast economic powerhouse, the only Southern city that stood a chance of one day rivaling Atlanta economically and culturally. No other town was thought to have the stuff to pull it off.
Charleston City Paper  |  Tara Servatius  |  02-27-2013  |  Commentary

Why do so few women seek political office?new

Women hold about 17 percent of the seats at the federal level (women of color only hold 4 percent), while in state assemblies, they hold a bit more, 24.5 percent. Worldwide, the U.S. is ranked 80th in the number of women holding public office.
Charleston City Paper  |  Alison Piepmeier  |  10-24-2012  |  Commentary

Stifling Growthnew

Spending cuts and privatization have ravaged the economy.
Charleston City Paper  |  Mat Catastrophe  |  08-02-2012  |  Commentary

Dumb Like a Foxnew

Rupert Murdoch's Fox News makes people stupid.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  06-27-2012  |  Commentary

Sen. Marco Rubio's foreign policy is Wilsonian, not conservativenew

During what was advertised as a "major foreign policy speech" at the Brookings Institution last Wednesday, Sen. Marco Rubio said, "I am always cautious about generalizations, but until very recently, the general perception was that American conservatism believed in a robust and muscular foreign policy."
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  05-03-2012  |  Commentary

Herb Silverman champions atheism with wit and warmthnew

Herb Silverman has been a busy man lately. When I caught up with him last week, South Carolina's leading atheist was just back from the Reason Rally in Washington, D.C., where he addressed the thousands of people who had assembled on the Mall, calling for America's numerous non-theist organizations to maintain a united front in their ceaseless battle with the Christian right.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  04-05-2012  |  Commentary

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