AltWeeklies Wire

The Obama Awakeningnew

No longer is it just a handful of blue-haired activists who show up at county party meetings. Young people and old people alike are not just voting for the first time, but also paying attention for the first time.
The Texas Observer  |  Rachel Farris  |  09-24-2008  |  Commentary

Election '08: The Confusion Campaignnew

As we approach the national political conventions, we all know this promises to be a mean season. Has America transcended its racist past? We're about to find out. Or are we? The landscape is already so littered with political detritus that it's hard to find a reliable vantage point from which to get a clear view of the world.
The Texas Observer  |  Geoff Rips  |  08-13-2008  |  Commentary

Republicans are Pandering at the Pumpnew

We must face a difficult truth. With global oil reserves on the decline, the age of cheap gas is over. While government can provide some short-term fixes, nothing will permanently reduce gas prices. What we need is political leadership to formulate a realistic energy policy. Too bad the GOP can't deliver.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  07-02-2008  |  Commentary

The Texas Presidential Delegate Selection Process Works Just Fine ... Without Candidatesnew

My friends from foreign states don't understand why I'm so impressed with a voting system in which you don't know the outcome for a month and a half, and the caucuses end in fights with lawyers getting called (which, in my opinion, is far scarier than calling the police). My answer is that you don't finish a good book in a day, but a blockbuster ending is so worth it.
The Texas Observer  |  Susan DuQuesnay Bankston  |  06-11-2008  |  Commentary

Four More Years for Gov. Rick Perry?new

The soon-to-be longest-serving governor in Texas history says he wants to extend his run. If Perry wins again in two years, his administration will be on track to last 14 years -- longer than the lifespan of most dogs. Every dog has its day. Let's hope Perry has had his.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  05-07-2008  |  Commentary

What Would a McCain Win Mean for Texas Republicans?new

Probably the longest-lasting impact of the 2008 primaries on the Texas Republican Party will be that our party will become even more conservative, if that's possible.
The Texas Observer  |  Royal Masset  |  02-26-2008  |  Commentary

Standing for Changenew

I don't want to keep playing on the same electoral map where Democrats write off states like Texas, and presidential candidates compete here in the primaries but are nowhere to be found in November.
The Texas Observer  |  Barack Obama  |  02-26-2008  |  Commentary

What Texas Means to Menew

My first job in politics was in Texas, and it remains one of the best I've ever had.
The Texas Observer  |  Hillary Clinton  |  02-26-2008  |  Commentary

Texas Needs to Break the Chains of Too-Large Prison Systemnew

If all the people in the Texas criminal justice system lived in a single community, it would be the fourth largest city in the state.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  11-19-2007  |  Commentary

Confessions of an Ex-Protesternew

I used to go to protests for the sense of community, for reassurance that I'm not alone, and for the feeling that I'm doing something for peace. I rarely go to protests anymore, but I still move through my life with the knowledge that every stranger is a potential comrade, and every day is a barricade.
The Texas Observer  |  Emily DePrang  |  11-19-2007  |  Commentary

Too Much Hot Air on Climate Changenew

An unassailable majority of the world's scientists believe that climate change is real, that human activities contribute to it, and that the consequences will be devastating. Yet our president and our governor -- such learned men as they are -- insist it's not true.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  11-05-2007  |  Commentary

Texas Pols Need to Get Off the Fencenew

Our governor and two U.S. senators know a fence is pointless -- but since short-term political expediency seems to demand one, they are desperately trying to obscure their barren leadership with comb-overs.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  09-10-2007  |  Commentary

Fred Thompson Finally Gets In The Deep Endnew

While covering Watergate, Hunter S. Thompson seemed oddly fascinated with the young lawyer from Tennessee -- and I think he would be surprised but not shocked to know that in September 2007, Fred Thompson would be announcing (finally) his campaign for Nixon's old job.
The Texas Observer  |  Cody Garrett  |  09-06-2007  |  Commentary

The Bush Administration: Unhinged and Dangerousnew

Seldom if ever has a White House been as untethered from the will of the people, or reality for that matter, as the administration of George W. Bush in its second term.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  07-16-2007  |  Commentary

Gov. Rick Perry Strikes Againnew

Perry has proved again that the 61 percent of Texans who voted against him in the last election were right - the governor is more than willing to put revenge and ideology before sound public policy.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  07-03-2007  |  Commentary

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