AltWeeklies Wire

Loco for Locavore: 9 Ways to Taste the Food of the Futurenew

In a world where big brand mayo companies are pushing their locavore roots, we've got to cut through the noise. To help you freshen up your locavore diet we're feeding you nine freshly-picked ideas that source no further than 100 miles from your front door and grow as close 10 feet from your back steps.
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  04-19-2011  |  Food+Drink

Diet for Climate Change: Eating in the Spirit of Copenhagennew

You may not be able to get to Denmark for the climate talks, but you do have a chance to change a few food habits: It starts with avoiding red meat, processed cereals and tin cans and shopping local.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  12-11-2009  |  Food+Drink

Awesome Green Roof Designs Invade Cities, but On-High Agriculture Isn't Ready for its Closeupnew

It turns out that not all building walls can bear the extra load of soil on roofs, especially the box stores thrown up for the lowest price to move discounted goods. There are also security and safety issues with having so many people on roofs, issues that planners are still wrestling with.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  11-02-2009  |  Food+Drink

Sure, Food Prices Are Rising, but Trust Me, They're Sell-Offsnew

Only time will tell if we're at the point in the food debate to pop the taboo question: how come, despite widespread grousing about rising prices, our food is so bizarrely cheap?
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  09-14-2009  |  Food+Drink

Where's the Beef Tax?new

Eating meat is like driving a Hummer, but no pol has the guts to push a carbon tax on it.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  09-15-2008  |  Food+Drink

Who's Who of Toronto's Microbreweriesnew

With an ever-increasing number of microbreweries cropping up on the smoggy horizon, Hogtown is well on its way to becoming ­Hoptown, and it’s not just the pigs who think this is good news.
NOW Magazine  |  Graham Duncan  |  08-08-2008  |  Food+Drink

Skyrocketing Food Prices and Biofuels Aren't What's Feeding Global Hunger Crisisnew

It sounds counterintuitive, I know, but the real food crisis gripping the world these days is not what everyone thinks it is. It's really more about the 80 per cent drop in real-time food prices since 1947 than the modest, dare I say, "market correction" of recent years.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  08-04-2008  |  Food+Drink

The Search for Toronto's Ultimate Sandwichnew

To narrow the field, we've eliminated burgers, wraps, hot dogs, hoagies, tuna melts, muffulettas and Fluffernutters.
NOW Magazine  |  Steven Davey  |  07-21-2008  |  Food+Drink

A Quiet Canadian City & the First Local Food Foray on the Continentnew

Markham -- an affluent and multicultural city of 300,000, but still close to farmland -- is going back to the future, and is well on its way to becoming Canada's first post-exurban eco-city. In June, the city becomes the first in North America to steer its food services toward local, sustainable and fair trade purchases.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  06-16-2008  |  Food+Drink

PETA Plays Chicken: Animal Rights Group Seeks Fake Meatnew

Is an organization that has traditionally called on people to abandon their desire to consume flesh going soft? And what's with using genetic modification, the bane of the eco movement, in the name of ending factory farming?
NOW Magazine  |  Paul Terefenko  |  05-02-2008  |  Food+Drink

A Feast of Edible Weeds in Torontonew

For the first time this summer, Toronto will hand out fines (up to $5,000) to laggards who persist in drenching our edible surroundings in a chemical haze. This means I can grab a free, nutritious snack without an unwanted side order of toxins.
NOW Magazine  |  Roger Brook  |  04-18-2008  |  Food+Drink

Dining on the Wildsnew

Tips for happy foraging.
NOW Magazine  |  Staff  |  04-18-2008  |  Food+Drink

Do You Know Where Your Chicken Came From?new

We're finally digesting the deadly realities of Big Food's hidden power brokers.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  03-21-2008  |  Food+Drink

Ecoholic: What's the Greenest Wine Container?new

What do you think of Tetra Pak and plastic alternatives to glass?
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  03-17-2008  |  Food+Drink

Slaves to the Sheafnew

Blame our addiction to wheat for rising prices — not hungry Third Worlders.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  03-17-2008  |  Food+Drink

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