AltWeeklies Wire
Jordanian Journalist Rana Husseini Talks About Honor Killingsnew

Husseini can never forget the way the uncles of a 16-year-old murder victim dispassionately described how their niece deserved to die. "It was as if they were speaking about a sheep," she writes in her new book, Murder in the Name of Honor.
Willamette Week |
Henry Stern |
10-28-2009 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Slavoj Zizek on 'Violence'new

In this book, he argues that in addition to the “subjective” violence we normally associate with the term (backstabbing, slap fights, waterboarding), there is an additional “objective” violence inscribed into our language and politics.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
09-03-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: violence, Slavoj Zizek
Thomas Frank on What's Wrong with Obamanew

Before he morphed into one of the few real leftists still taken seriously by the mainstream press, author Thomas Frank had an even lower profile.
Willamette Week |
Corey Pein |
08-13-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Brendan Mullen Revisits the Burn-hot, Burn-fast Punk Life of
As he did in his earlier books, We Got the Neutron Bomb: The Untold Story of L.A. Punk and Lexicon Devil: The Fast Times and Short Life of Darby Crash and the Germs, Mullen documents, with hundreds of photos and fliers and memento mori, the history of the Masque.
Willamette Week |
Nancy Rommelmann |
05-28-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Christopher LaMarca's Camera Captures the Standoff Over Old-growth Forestsnew
Armed with only his Hasselblad camera, LaMarca followed the protesters as they set up roadblocks on logging roads and bridges and held continual "tree sits" to stop the Biscuit timber sale.
Willamette Week |
Joseph Watts |
05-28-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Getting Geeky with Brian Michael Bendisnew

Bendis, winner of five Eisner Awards (the comics equivalent of a Pulitzer), became one of the prime architects of the Marvel Comics' Ultimate line and perhaps the most celebrated Daredevil writer since Frank Miller.
Willamette Week |
Erik Bader |
04-23-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Katie Crouch Creates a Real-Feeling Novelnew
Her debut novel, Girls in Trucks, tells the story of a dissipate former debutante, Sarah Walters, who must adjust her South Carolina dreams to the harsh realities of life in New York.
Willamette Week |
John Minervini |
04-09-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Rev. Michael Dowd on Evolutionnew
This reverend claims to have solved the debate between creation and evolution. Somebody give the man a fish.
Willamette Week |
John Minervini |
04-09-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Frank Rich in the Hot Seatnew
The New York Times columnist on Stephen Sondheim, Tim Burton and George W.'s acting chops.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
03-05-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Frank Rich
Priest-Turned-Author Helps African Refugeesnew
Gary Smith is a 70-year-old Catholic priest who says things like "Darfur is a frickin' mess" and "humans are fucked up."
Willamette Week |
Amanda Waldroupe |
02-13-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Gary Smith, They Come Back Singing
Michael Pollan's Manifestonew
Post-Omnivore's Dilemma, the doomsday prophet of the U.S. diet lets us know what we can eat.
Willamette Week |
Ben Waterhouse |
02-06-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Silja Talvi on What Prison is Really Like for Womennew
Women Behind Bars details some of the reasons behind the increase in women prisoners nationwide, and the problems it poses.
Willamette Week |
Matthew Korfhage |
11-07-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Michael Shellenberger on Environmentalism's Futurenew
A rogue environmentalist takes aim at the movement he says has failed.
Willamette Week |
James Pitkin |
10-24-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Dr. Oliver Sacks on 'Musicophilia'new
Sacks' latest book tackles our intimate mental connection to all things musical. It dallies in the minds of inspired amnesiacs and melodious Alzheimer's patients in an effort to explain just what it is about music that can move us so profoundly.
Willamette Week |
Claire Evans |
10-17-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Classical Music Critic Alex Ross Rewrites Historynew
The New Yorker critic's new book, The Rest Is Noise, demonstrates his storyteller's gift for the engaging anecdote, humor and evocative description, to the 20th century's kaleidoscopic, tumultuous, non-pop musical history.
Willamette Week |
Brett Campbell |
10-17-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews