AltWeeklies Wire

Getting Geeky with Brian Michael Bendisnew

Bendis, winner of five Eisner Awards (the comics equivalent of a Pulitzer), became one of the prime architects of the Marvel Comics' Ultimate line and perhaps the most celebrated Daredevil writer since Frank Miller.
Willamette Week  |  Erik Bader  |  04-23-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Grumpy Young Supermen

Indie comics' crime maestro plays matchmaker for Marvel's odd couple.
Columbus Alive  |  J. Caleb Mozzocco  |  07-08-2005  |  Fiction

Superheroes and the Latest Generation of Mainstream Comicsnew

Superhero comic books are the wealthy stepchildren of the comics world. Their sales drive the industry, but they can’t get any respect, even when they warrant it.
Boston Phoenix  |  Douglas Wolk  |  04-21-2005  |  Fiction

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