AltWeeklies Wire

Masters of Puppetsnew

The South Park guys score big with Team America: World Police.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  10-13-2004  |  Reviews


This exercise in feel-good historical romanticism cannily exploits Che Guevara as icon by finding a quite legitimate context in which to ignore all the problematic aspects of his later life.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Dennis Harvey  |  09-29-2004  |  Reviews

Election infectionnew

Power, politics, and puppets converge in Bush's Brain and Silver City.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  09-15-2004  |  Reviews

Give Donnie Darko One More Chancenew

With the release of the director's cut, two Bay Guardian critics give bizarre cult film Donnie Darko another chance.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Susan Gerhard  |  09-01-2004  |  Reviews

Donnie Darko's Paradise is Lostnew

With the release of the director's cut, two Bay Guardian critics give bizarre cult film Donnie Darko another chance.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Andrew Repasky McElhinney  |  09-01-2004  |  Reviews

Unmitigated Gallonew

Six angles on The Brown Bunny's vanishing points
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Edward E. Crouse, Susan Gerhard, Chuck Stephens, Cheryl Eddy, Johnny Ray Huston and M.P. Klier  |  09-01-2004  |  Reviews

Highlights and Lowlightsnew

Here are 20 more reasons to race to -- or from -- the multiplexes and art houses this fall.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Johnny Huston and Cheryl Eddy  |  08-25-2004  |  Reviews

Bukowski Film is "Write On"new

The new Bukowski film isn't just another slumming poet pic.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Dennis Harvey  |  08-07-2004  |  Reviews

"Troy" Suffers From Achilles' Heelnew

The heavy machinery of spectacle and actual plot move their impressive bulk around without too many gears squeaking. Three hours pass like two.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Dennis Harvey  |  08-07-2004  |  Reviews

Urban Portrait Transcends Space and Timenew

The loveliest film of this young century is also one of the loneliest, a present-day urban portrait steeped in images of near ancient architecture and eternal nature.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Johnny Ray Huston  |  08-07-2004  |  Reviews

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