AltWeeklies Wire
Heath Ledger's Joker is No Jokenew
Aside from Ledger, The Dark Knight's other huge star is the IMAX screen on which it should be seen.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
07-16-2008 |
'The Wackness' is More Than Just Another Pot Movienew

No, Jonathan Levine's movie, set on the sticky streets of New York in the summer of 1994, works well because each of its characters is going through his or her own coming-of-age experience, illustrating the fact that none of us ever truly has that moment when we transition to adulthood.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
07-09-2008 |
It's the End of the World and Werner Herzog Knows Itnew
With his latest film, Encounters at the End of the World, he has become the only professional director to have made films on all seven continents. He accomplished the feat by going somewhere entirely unlike, well, everywhere else: Antarctica.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
07-02-2008 |
'Wanted' is Pure Popcorn Entertainmentnew
What is surprising is that it's also one of the most appealing movies of its kind since The Matrix, a blend of kinetic style, incredible special effects and mild social commentary that succeeds as pure popcorn entertainment.
San Diego CityBeat |
Todd Kroviak |
06-25-2008 |
'War, Inc.' has Flashes of Brilliancenew
It features parodies that are dead on, but all told it's scattered, tackling too many subjects and ideas -- including the Iraq War, the Bush administration, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Blackwater, the CIA, the media and celebrity worship, to name just a few.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
06-25-2008 |
Writers Come of Age in 'Reprise'new
Young Norwegians strive for artistic success, and question its definition, in the new film Reprise.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
06-04-2008 |
'Surfwise' Asks If Blood is Thicker Than Seawaternew
At the film's center is the patriarch, Dorian "Doc" Paskowitz, an octogenarian who lived a fairly typical early life -- two unsuccessful marriages, an unsatisfying medical practice fueled by a Stanford education -- and lived only to make his way to the beach to go surfing.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
05-28-2008 |
An Illegal-immigration Movie You'll Want to Seenew
Instead of focusing on the traditional movie star, Thomas McCarthy writes for performers he admires who aren't the traditional leads and then lets them flex their acting muscles. In The Visitor, it's Richard Jenkins' turn.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
04-23-2008 |
Is 'Zombie Strippers' Any Good?new
Look, this movie is called Zombie Strippers, and it delivers on its title. It has zombies, and it has strippers; there are bitings and boobies, a few killer jokes and some that just drop dead. If that's your thing, this is your movie, especially if you drink heavily ahead of time.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
04-16-2008 |
Tags: Jay Lee, Zombie Strippers
'Smart People' Shows Not All Dysfunctional Clans Are Funnew
There are no tremendous epiphanies in Smart People. The characters do make changes in small, incremental ways, and that feels real.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
04-09-2008 |
Tags: Noam Murro, Smart People
'21' Just Isn't in the Cardsnew
This movie has some flashy shots at the tables, but the plot holes are big enough to drive a stretch-limo through.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
03-26-2008 |
Tags: 21, Robert Luketic
Adam Corolla Lays Down 'The Hammer'new
What if I told you Corolla has a new feel-good romantic boxing comedy coming out? Now, what if I told you that The Hammer is pretty good?
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
03-19-2008 |
The Bank Job is better than Jason Statham's other, dumb movies.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
03-05-2008 |
Tags: Roger Donaldson, The Bank Job
'The Band's Visit' Gently Strums the Heartstringsnew
Kolirin gives us a charming little drama that skirts sentimentality and manages to be a feel-good film without necessarily feeling very good.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
02-27-2008 |
Tags: Eran Kolirin, The Band's Visit
A Sensitive, New Age Hitmannew

Colin Farrell's a killer with a conscience.
San Diego CityBeat |
Anders Wright |
02-06-2008 |
Tags: In Bruges, Martin McDonagh