AltWeeklies Wire
Domestic Workers: Vulnerable, Underpaid, and Abusednew

Groundbreaking national survey finds domestic workers are often overworked, underpaid, abused, and excluded from protections that regulate other professions.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
12-07-2012 |
Business & Labor
Workers Pushing for Unions May Pay the Pricenew

Union organizers in Indiana say the lack of employee protection is part of a hostile political and legal environment for organized labor.
Fran Quigley |
11-20-2012 |
Business & Labor
The Barter Economy Chugs Along While Paying Jobs Remain Hard to Come Bynew

Welcome to the bartering economy, a system of no-money trading that experts say is booming in Connecticut and across the globe. It turns out to be one area that the Great Recession has actually helped.
New Haven Advocate |
Gregory B. Hladky |
09-27-2012 |
Business & Labor
Tags: jobs
Fighting for Justicianew

Workers Defense Project celebrates 10 years on the front lines of Texas labor.
Austin Chronicle |
Nora Ankrum |
09-24-2012 |
Business & Labor
Tags: latino, worker's rights
Industrial Power Playnew

The former Kodak Park, now known as Eastman Business Park, is seen by local and state leaders as an economic development lynchpin for the Rochester region.
City Newspaper |
Jeremy Moule |
09-06-2012 |
Business & Labor
Tags: Eastman Business Park
Unions aren't big in Charlotte

... but North Carolina leaders are hoping the DNC will change that.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte) |
Joanne Spataro and Dave Jamieson |
09-04-2012 |
Business & Labor
Tags: DNC 2012, DNC Charlotte
Monsanto's Point of No Returnnew

Is it too late to save our food supply from a business model gone mad? While many worry over Monsanto's use of genetically modified seeds, the food supply giant has very rapidly gained control of the seed market. It's becoming difficult or impossible to find seed of any kind that isn't sold by Monsanto.
Boulder Weekly |
Joel Dyer |
08-31-2012 |
Business & Labor
Blame It on the Framesnew

A Santa Fe business struggles to survive amid big-box competition.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Enrique Limon |
08-30-2012 |
Business & Labor
Tags: Small business, Big Box Stores
Modern Labor Battles are about Tech, Not Musclenew

The biggest union battle in 40 years in Philadelphia reveals that modern labor battles are won with technology, not muscle--and the unions are losing.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
08-15-2012 |
Business & Labor
Inside Informationnew

Former insurance company spin doctor says corporations will do almost anything for profits.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Pam Zubeck |
04-18-2012 |
Business & Labor
Workers' Rights Under Firenew
Mississippi's labor laws make it among the least worker-friendly states in the union.
Jackson Free Press |
R.L. Nave |
04-12-2012 |
Business & Labor
I Was There! by Mike Daiseynew

I decided to travel to ancient Egypt, alone, to personally witness — to see with my own eyes — the brutality behind these pyramids we love so much.
The Portland Mercury |
Mike Daisey |
03-26-2012 |
Business & Labor
Little Guy vs. Small Businessnew

Legislation to allow home food sales in Colorado threatens to pit the little guy versus small business.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Chet Hardin and Matthew Schniper |
03-09-2012 |
Business & Labor
Friends with Benefitsnew

On the surface, benefit corporations offer a less secretive, more socially benign way of doing business. How that plays out in real life is less clear.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Bill Forman |
03-07-2012 |
Business & Labor
'Cash Mobbing' Locally Owned Businessesnew

Like a flash mob, cash mobs happen quickly and involve an element of surprise — but in this case, the goal is to support local businesses and build community.
Seven Days |
Eva Sollberger |
03-07-2012 |
Business & Labor