AltWeeklies Wire
Rick Perry for President? Let's Hope Notnew

Before folks outside Texas (which is still a state, although Perry has threatened secession) get too excited about the notion of our own Goodhair getting to the White House, heed this warning from the Lone Star State.
San Antonio Current |
Vince Leibowitz |
06-09-2011 |
Texas Budget Cuts Pack a Wallop for Students, Elderly, and the Illnew
The Texas Legislative Budget Board last week released the first draft of a proposed budget for fiscal years 2012 and 2013. Now that legislators, school superintendents, hospital administrators, and community college leaders have had the chance to pick themselves up off the floor and assess the potential damage to public school instruction, medical care, and more, it is becoming clear that nearly every Texan will feel the squeeze.
San Antonio Current |
Vince Leibowitz |
02-01-2011 |
Tags: Texas
Your Rep Can't Do It Alonenew
Aside from football, there is no better contact sport in America than electoral politics in Texas, and just in time to cure your post-Super Bowl blues come the March 4 Texas primaries.
San Antonio Current |
Vince Leibowitz |
02-06-2008 |
Race for the Curiousnew
By the time the primaries make their way to Texas March 4, the presidential -- ticket leaders will be all but decided (or will they?), but Texans still have the opportunity to weigh in on a number of important races.
San Antonio Current |
Vince Leibowitz |
02-06-2008 |
An Early Look at Election 2008 in Texasnew
In less than a year, voters will be going to the polls to elect 150 state representatives, 32 Congressmen and women, a handful of state senators, a United States senator, and a smattering of judicial and administrative statewide offices in Texas -- here are some key races to keep your eye on.
San Antonio Current |
Vince Leibowitz |
10-31-2007 |
The Wit and Wisdom of Senator John Cornynnew
From box turtles and gay marriage to question-free curiosity, Cornyn has uttered more quotable quips during his first term in the Senate than most politicians do in a lifetime -- here's a quick retrospective of some of his greatest hits.
San Antonio Current |
Vince Leibowitz |
09-05-2007 |
Inside the Texas House Speaker's Counterinsurgencynew
Newly released docs reveal some of Republican Tom Craddick's plan to retain Speakership.
San Antonio Current |
Vince Leibowitz |
08-29-2007 |
Constitutional Crisis in Texasnew
State legislators clash over House Speaker Tom Craddick's authority, and await the attorney general's response.
San Antonio Current |
Vince Leibowitz |
08-22-2007 |
Jimmy on Film?new
Was voucher-advocate Dr. James Leininger in the back hall behind the chamber of the Texas House twisting the arms of wayward legislators on May 23, 2005, while the body debated a school-voucher bill?
San Antonio Current |
Vince Leibowitz |
01-24-2007 |