AltWeeklies Wire

Peace and Protest in Second Lifenew

Last month's march against the Iraq War in Washington attracted tens of thousands of protestors, but did it crash the Capitol? Its virtual counterpart did.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  02-08-2007  |  Politics

Living La Vida Localnew

In light of a recent push to support local businesses over chains, our intrepid reporter tries to live as locally as possible for a week, and reports the results.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  01-25-2007  |  Shopping

Does Peace Have A Chance?new

Having helped win Congress back for the Dems, the anti-war movement must now sharpen its goals to a point if it plans to play any significant role -- so why is the anti-war movement virtually invisible?
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  12-28-2006  |  Policy Issues

Hell No, We Won't Go (To Jail)!new

A lawyer known for representing Maine activists arrested during protests is compiling a database of civil-disobedience cases to help him argue a lighter sentence for one of his clients.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  12-21-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Maine Moviemakersnew

While Hollywood may have the big bucks, Mainers are making a strong go of movie-making all on their own, and we encourage more of the same -- here are the winners of our first-ever Maine Short Film Festival.
Portland Phoenix  |  Jeff Inglis and Sara Donnelly  |  11-22-2006  |  Art

Inside the Boxnew

Author Stacy Mitchell tackles America's chain retailers and the grassroots efforts to fight them.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  11-09-2006  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

They're Watching Younew

Bugged Levis, unauthorized sex tapes, leaked medical records -- is nothing sacred anymore? Here are 10 ways to keep your privacy to yourself.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  08-31-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Moving On Upnew

Eli Pariser,'s wonder-boy, talks about virtual campaigning, winning back the House, and his move back to New England.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  07-07-2006  |  Politics

Crypt Keepersnew

The geek ghouls of the lost Haunted Mansion hang on to their wicked years.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  06-23-2006  |  Recreation

Grassroots Fire Fightnew

The Maine Green Party, one of the most active in the nation, is split between activists interested in direct action and those who want to seek elective office -- at stake is the party's very future.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  06-08-2006  |  Politics

So Much for Girl Powernew

Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins were the only pro-choice women in the Senate to vote for Alito.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  03-03-2006  |  Sex

Squeezing Sudannew

A group of Sudanese immigrants living in Maine is lobbying the state's retirement fund to divest from Sudan, a strategy reminiscent of the economic campaign to end apartheid in South Africa.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  01-12-2006  |  Policy Issues

Gays and the GOPnew

A small group of Republicans who support gay rights are forming in Maine, and are hoping to attract a handful of others -- they want to number at least 10 by the end of 2006.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  01-06-2006  |  LGBT

A Somber Occupationnew

Maine’s anti-war activists have come up with a plan to make our congressional delegates listen. And they’re marketing it to other states.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  12-17-2005  |  Policy Issues

Stealing Your Heartnew

Journalist Julian Rubinstein’s action-packed, absurd, and totally true tale of a Hungarian everyman who becomes a famous criminal gives new meaning to the old adage that truth is stranger than fiction.
Portland Phoenix  |  Sara Donnelly  |  05-27-2005  |  Nonfiction

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