AltWeeklies Wire

Why Are 'Green' Apartments So Rare in D.C.?new

"People say they want green, but they still want their SUV," says the CEO of "People want green when it comes to condominium apartments -- if they can have everything else for the same amount, they'll take it. But they often don't choose it."
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  11-20-2008  |  Housing & Development

Want a Free Lunch in DC?new

D.C.'s many think tanks and nonprofits put out hundreds of free spreads every year, and, often enough, you just need to know when to show up.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  09-04-2008  |  Food+Drink

Can Toy Styles Dominate the Cutthroat World of Street Lit?new

Styles has written two novels for Triple Crown Publications, one of the bigger names in the pulpy, erotic, and violent world of urban fiction, and a dominating force in the "African-American Literature" section of chain bookstores. Last November, though, Styles decided to strike out on her own and start her own house.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  08-29-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The Anatomy of a Fatal Turf War in One D.C. Neighborhoodnew

The Shaw of yesteryear has disappeared, and yet its crew history is still evolving. The 7th Street crew perpetuates the neighborhood's intractable crime problem. Over the years, it has carried on feuds with groups in three directions, feuds whose origins no one can really pin down.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  05-30-2008  |  Crime & Justice

D.C.'s Repealed Firearms Ban Presents a Chance for Some to Cash Innew

Firearms dealers, instructors set their sights on D.C.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  05-09-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Transit Fare Hike Squeezes Commuters ... But What About the Children?new

With train and bus costs going up, students like Roneka Jenkins can't always afford to get to class.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  02-21-2008  |  Transportation

Porterhouse Callsnew

Half price steak sounds great -- until it's coming from strange door-to-door salesmen.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  01-03-2008  |  Business & Labor

How Hard is it to Round Up Some D.C. Republicans?new

Oh sure, you got your Virginia Republicans, your Maryland Republicans, your transient "I'm just hanging out for a few years until I go back to Kansas" Republicans. Just try finding any registered with the city's Board of Elections and Ethics. That's the problem that the various GOP prez campaigns are encountering these days.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  12-13-2007  |  Politics

Georgetown's White NAACP President Wades into the Fraynew

When the student newspaper's lack of coverage of Jena 6 protests flared things up, it was the first real test of Ellie Gunderson's leadership.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  11-15-2007  |  Race & Class

A 'Carefree' Era for D.C. Taggers Comes to an Endnew

Besides ubiquitous security cameras monitoring the streets, gentrification and its accomplices are beating down the District's graffiti culture.
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  11-08-2007  |  Art

Some Schools Don't Acknowledge Halloweennew

At many American elementary schools, Halloween's the best day of the year -- so why do some opt out?
Washington City Paper  |  Ruth Samuelson  |  11-01-2007  |  Education

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