AltWeeklies Wire
Fear of a Black (& Brown & Yellow) Electoratenew

On June 25, the Supreme Court struck the biggest blow against civil rights since Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, striking down a key section of the 1965 Voting Rights Act as unconstitutional.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
07-01-2013 |
Bankrupting Nature: Denying Our Planetary Boundariesnew
Global warming is but one of nine or 10 different ways in which human civilization is threatening to cross boundaries of over-consumption and overuse. These, will undermine the natural foundations on which our civilization is built.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
04-22-2013 |
Office Clerks Outsourcing Strike Ends Years of Fruitless Bargainingnew

After an eight-day strike by the Office Clerical Unit of ILWU idled most of the Los Angeles and Long Beach port complex, the terminals are now bustling again, and the workers and the union seemingly couldn't be happier with the outcome.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
12-14-2012 |
Business & Labor
A Historic Election Foretoldnew

In 2002, John Judis and Ruy Teixeira wrote a book, "The Emerging Democratic Majority," predicting the broad outlines of a demographic shift that would inexorably favor Democrats in the long run. On Election Day, Nov. 6, their prediction was confirmed.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
11-16-2012 |
Obama on Leno Translated: Don't Let Them Steal Another Onenew
It was typical of Obama not to dwell on or dig deep into the dirty tricks being deployed by his political enemies. But it's not just him that's the target, it's millions of potential voters and American democracy itself that's at stake.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
11-04-2012 |
The GOP’s Underground Election Strategynew

For years now, Republicans have been working themselves up into a frenzy over the prospect of systematic electoral fraud.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
10-19-2012 |
Tags: Voter Fraud, Electoral Fraud
Prosperity vs. Austerity Economicsnew
“Instead of the austerity agenda that we have now, focused on debt, this growth agenda is focused, really, on restoring broad-based economic growth and our democracy,” said Yale political scientist Jacob Hacker in a late-August teleconference.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
09-21-2012 |
How the Republican Brain Plays Defensenew
The Romney campaign disseminates so many lies that it’s impossible to keep track of them all.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
08-16-2012 |
SCOTUS Decision on Health Care Law–Was it Really a Victory?new
Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts only said that he found the individual mandate was not supported by the Commerce Clause of the Constitution—since people would be taxed for not engaging in commerce.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
07-02-2012 |
Policy Issues
Affordable Housing Out Of Reach For Most Rentersnew
If you’re working a minimum wage job in America, where can you afford to live? Other than your parents’ basement, the answer is simple: Nowhere. That’s according to “Out of Reach 2012,” the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s most recent version of its annual report.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
06-18-2012 |
ALEC Normalizes Corruption In Statehouses Across the Landnew
For almost four decades, the American Legislative Exchange Council, known by its acronym, “ALEC,” has worked hard on behalf of corporate America and right wing causes, helping to draft, build support for and pass laws through state legislatures across the nation—and doing so in relative anonymity, even as it skirts numerous state laws limiting corporate gift-giving and other forms of influence-peddling. It was never really clear why ALEC’s existence stayed such a secret, particularly since it wasn’t a secret. It’s just that, somehow, people seemed to ignore it, even though it wielded staggering amounts of power in legally questionable ways.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
06-01-2012 |
Retired Industry Expert Joins Gas Refinery Fight in the Los Angeles South Baynew
After spending more than three decades working in the oil industry, Connie Rutter is the perfect citizen advocate to advance the community’s effort to shut the dangerous Rancho LPG tank facility.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
02-23-2012 |
Cycle of Deceit, Part 2 Huey’s Christian Agenda Shorts Facts and Jesusnew
In Part 1 of this story, we described how Republican candidate for the 36th Congressional District, Craig Huey promotes a circle of deceit with regard to economics and budget issues: He pumps up hysteria, which makes it easier to believe false or exaggerated claims, which in turn fuels further hysteria and the belief in even more false or exaggerated claims. We took on economics first, because it’s easier to nail down facts involving hard numbers, and thus make clear what Huey is doing. This issue, we turn our attention to Huey’s religious conservatism and related electoral activism.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
06-21-2011 |
Cycle of Deceit, Part 1— Questioning Craig Huey’s Made-Up Economic “Facts”new
On May 23, Random Lengths News contacted the Craig Huey’s 36th Congressonial District campaign, seeking a Wednesday interview. The initially promising response soon turned sour. The campaign deployed one excuse after another not to sit with the paper. “There were other interviews,” “there were campaign events,” and “there were fundraising calls.” Eventually, RLN was told the interview could not be done that week, which would make it impossible to run in this issue. One thing remained constant: The strong sense that there were questions we would ask, that Craig Huey did not want to answer—that he was afraid to face. We have posted the first half of those questions on our website, for readers to see and judge.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
06-21-2011 |
Tags: Elections
Democracy Comes Home to Wisconsinnew

Starting with about 10,000 workers and their supporters at the beginning of the week, numbers swelled to nearly 40,000 by Feb. 18, the largest protests in the state since the Vietnam War era.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
02-25-2011 |
Business & Labor