AltWeeklies Wire

Cycle of Deceit, Part 2 Huey’s Christian Agenda Shorts Facts and Jesusnew

In Part 1 of this story, we described how Republican candidate for the 36th Congressional District, Craig Huey promotes a circle of deceit with regard to economics and budget issues: He pumps up hysteria, which makes it easier to believe false or exaggerated claims, which in turn fuels further hysteria and the belief in even more false or exaggerated claims. We took on economics first, because it’s easier to nail down facts involving hard numbers, and thus make clear what Huey is doing. This issue, we turn our attention to Huey’s religious conservatism and related electoral activism.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  06-21-2011  |  Elections

Meg Whitman and Jerry Brownnew

Who are they and what do they stand for? Profiling the two candidates for governor of California.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Sasha Abramsky  |  08-23-2010  |  Politics

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