AltWeeklies Wire

The News Wars Are Comingnew

If it's fight or die on the new media landscape, does anyone think traditional media won't fight? The classic portents of serious battle are converging.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  08-17-2009  |  Media

Sportswriters Can't Decide Whether Steroids is a Black Mark or a Gray Areanew

Baseball scribes would rather moralize about performance-enhancing drugs than make hard decisions about whether their use should keep players out of the Hall of Fame.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  07-27-2009  |  Sports

The Peculiar Challenges of Archiving Newspapers in the Information Agenew

Newspapers are practicing a journalism that will probably turn out to be as different from tomorrow's as it is from yesterday's. Transitional periods are fascinating as they happen and damned hard later to reconstruct. How complete will the record be of this one?
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  07-07-2009  |  Media

Here Comes the Judge: The Web's Anything-Goes Era Can't Last Forevernew

In short, pretty much anything goes on the internet. But many signs suggest the courts aren't happy with this state of affairs, and web hosts don't expect it to last.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  06-15-2009  |  Media

Does 'The Sun' Have Anything to Teach the Miserable Newspaper?new

Sy Safransky, The Sun's founder, editor, and publisher, doesn’t worry about advertising falling off because the Sun carries none. The readers, almost all of them subscribers, pay the freight.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  04-13-2009  |  Media

Outrageless: Is Chicago More Complacent Than Other Big Cities?new

Big news in Chicago can be something of an illusion. Look closely after a media feeding frenzy subsides and you’ll often see that not only has little or nothing changed but no actual confrontation of any consequence has taken place between the powers that be and outraged elected officials, activists, and citizens.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  01-26-2009  |  Commentary

Being Obama: The President, Electednew

You didn't have to drink the Kool-Aid to see that the country was transformed just by choosing Barack Obama. Not since Kennedy has a president-elect so clearly stood for a new generation taking over.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  01-16-2009  |  Commentary

Inside Patrick Fitzgerald's Timing on the Blago Casenew

Did he compromise his own investigation to sound the alarm on Blagojevich? Or did the Chicago Tribune do it for him?
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  12-22-2008  |  Commentary

Election '08: We Knew it Would End This Waynew

They said the 2008 presidential campaign would never end. On Tuesday night America proved them wrong.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  11-10-2008  |  Commentary

Voters Think the Media Favors Obama -- Do Endorsements Prove Them Right?new

Obama has rolled up the press like jitterbuggers rolling up a rec room rug. Not only have the dailies that always endorse the Democrat endorsed another, but reliably Republican papers have taken an existential leap into contrariness.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  11-03-2008  |  Media

A Former GM of Hoy Bets on New Mag for Next-Generation Chicago Latinosnew

Café bills itself as a "Latino lifestyle magazine," and the first issue came off the presses last week. It's a free bimonthly that the founders hope will go monthly next spring.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  10-27-2008  |  Media

Will the Chicago Tribune Endorse its First Dem for President This Year?new

I'm not at all sure the Tribune will endorse the Republican ticket. There are good reasons why it might not -- but also reasons anyone who wants to respect the Tribune should worry about.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  09-29-2008  |  Media

Fact and Opinion: It's All Just Content Nownew

Internet values are seeping into print journalism, and internet values reward instant punditry, the more flamboyant the better. Simple, solid reporting is OK, but flamboyance is what attracts page hits, and page hits attract advertisers -- enough of them, in a theoretical tomorrow, to keep journalism afloat.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  09-22-2008  |  Media

The Revolutionaries Inside the 1968 DNC Didn't Get Much Inknew

You've heard plenty lately about the action outside the '68 Democratic National Convention. How much do you know about what was going on inside?
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  09-02-2008  |  Commentary

Why is Sam Zell the New Whipping Boy for Anti-Corporate Media Crusaders?new

I admire a gallant crusade as much as the next guy, but has the ring of an army raised to fight the last war. Why should anyone in Chicago take up arms against big media when big media's already falling apart on its own?
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  08-11-2008  |  Media

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