AltWeeklies Wire
Abel Maldonado is a Smooth Operatornew
Abel Maldonado is playing the angles in his long shot race to be elected lieutenant governor of California.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
07-07-2010 |
California is in the Worst Mess in its History ... Who Will Save the Golden State?new
California's economy looks like it's driving off a cliff. But we've already crashed over the railing and are now free falling towards certain doom.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
07-16-2009 |
Homeless Youth Look for -- and Find -- a Safe Place in Montereynew
Social workers call the homeless youth of Monterey Peninsula "invisible children," living along one of the most affluent coastlines in the world but fading into the scenery because they don't want to draw attention to themselves -- and we don't want to see them.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
04-16-2009 |
Carmel Valley Supporters Say Pro-Development Interests Behind Legal Challengenew
An attorney with questionable past ties to a southern California campaign contribution scandal has filed a lawsuit intended to stop the incorporation of Carmel Valley.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
01-22-2009 |
Housing & Development
Green Commitmentnew
Local governments in California are taking the global warming fight in their own hands.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
12-06-2007 |
Tags: Kyoto, environment
You Don't Know (Monterey) Jacknew
The story of the country's proudest cheese has all the trappings of a great Steinbeck novel: migrant families, a rich land baron, tensions between ranchers and workers, struggle, injury and loss. It is wrought with mystery and intrigue -- and offers no definitive truth.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
10-04-2007 |
Budget Plan Cuts Farm Money; Gov. Says Funds Have Better Usesnew
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's revised $145 billion state spending plan eliminates state funding for a program used to protect farmland and prevent urban sprawl.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
05-17-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Gov. Schwarzenegger Wants to Cut Drug Rehab Dollarsnew
The plan to cut funding to Proposition 36 has outraged health care workers and drug treatment providers since the governor released his January budget proposal.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
03-26-2007 |
Union Shakeupnew
SEIU dissolves a California local and fires longtime field rep.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
03-08-2007 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
Health Care Epidemicnew
California's Dems introduce barrage of bills to deal with the state's health care crisis.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
12-21-2006 |
Tags: Health & Science
Governator: a Green Giant?new
As Schwarzenegger signs high-profile eco-protection bills, key measures sit on his desk.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
09-21-2006 |
The Pirates of Montereynew
The buccaneer spirit once lived in our waters -- briefly.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
07-13-2006 |
Tags: history
Anorexia Is Not Just About Looking Thinnew
Watching someone starve herself and fade away into nothing is a nightmare for friends and family, but there's no easy solution. Anorexia is a complex illness can require years of treatment.
Monterey County Weekly |
Jessica Lyons |
01-25-2005 |