AltWeeklies Wire
Take Me to Tent Townnew

Despite the recent B.C. Supreme Court ruling, why is Victoria so scared to host a tent city when a growing number of U.S. centers let them stand?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
10-27-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Number of University of Victoria 100k Earners Jumps 40 Percent Since 2005new
While the unionized staff at the University of Victoria Student Union Building continue their strike in pursuit of better wages, it's clear from this year's schedule of remuneration that plenty of the university's 4,000-plus workforce are eking out a rather comfortable existence.
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
09-18-2008 |
The Poetry of Diplomacy
American diplomat Indran Amirthanayagam makes an unlikely point man for a nation at war
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
06-19-2008 |
Tags: international
The Case for a New Court: Are community courts just a shiny gloss on a broken system?
Community courts have been catching on in the U.S., but will that same model fit with the Canadian legal system?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
06-19-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Protesters to Pay for Own Arrest?
After a local city council called in approximately 60 police officers to evict six peaceful protesters, that same city council is now considering suing the protesters for the policing costs.
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
02-27-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: civil liberties
Blowing Smoke
How the federal government's Marihuana Medical Access Division fails Canada's sick and dying.
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
02-27-2008 |
Tags: Drugs
Tree Sit Toppled
Was raid a test run for quelling 2010 dissent, or par for the course in development-mad Langford?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
02-20-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: civil liberties
With Friends Like These . . .
A local B.C. politician looking to change federal policy receives an unintential (and unwanted) endorsement from white supremacist group.
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
02-06-2008 |
Race & Class
Tags: race relations
Trans Tribulations: Acceptance Elusive for Transgendered Community
After reading about a women's-only self-defense class in a local alt-weekly, a transgendered woman is refused entry into the class — because she has yet to complete her gender reassignment surgery. Meanwhile, she's supposed to be living her life as a woman . . . but how can you do that when the world still treats you as a man?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
02-06-2008 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Anxious Times: Big Pharma Clouds What It Means to be Sick
Disease mongering is big pharma's not-so-subtle way of increasing their grip on a scared and anxious populace. What's a worried person to do?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
02-01-2008 |
CHEKing In: Will Local TV News Survive the Digital Revolution?
As part of CanWest's ongoing Canadian media conglomeration, Victoria's CHEK-TV newscasts will be produced and packaged in another city by fall 2008. What does this latest round of convergence mean for local news coverage?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
01-31-2008 |
Tags: media