AltWeeklies Wire

Rate of Exchangenew

AltWeeklies Award - Investigative Reporting
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

The Sabor 2007 Festival Shows Our Demographic Destinynew

Slowly but surely, Hispanic culture will define West Texas.
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein  |  10-05-2007  |  Culture

A Fish Rots from the Head in Texasnew

With Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and House Speaker Tom Craddick in charge, the state's legislative session was a stinker.
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein  |  06-20-2007  |  Politics

Texas is Amassing an Unprecedented Amount of Citizen Informationnew

Piece by piece, Gov. Rick Perry's homeland security office is gathering massive amounts of information about Texas residents and merging it to create the most exhaustive centralized database in state history, with no real oversight.
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein  |  04-24-2007  |  Civil Liberties

Why the Bell Not?new

Can Chris Bell turn his serious mien into a campaign plus?
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein  |  11-07-2006  |  Politics

Houston Mayor Reflects on First Year in Officenew

Democrat Bill White has a 76 percent approval rating at the end of his first year. He tells the Observer how he'll tackle the city's problems, including emergency-room overcrowding and air pollution.
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein  |  12-21-2004  |  Politics

Memo Suggests Link between Donations and Lawsnew

A fundraiser's notes leave clues about possible connections between campaign contributions and laws passed by the Texas Legislature.
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein and Dave Mann  |  08-07-2004  |  Politics

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