AltWeeklies Wire

Baby Facenew

He may look young, but John Krueger is a surprisingly mature singer-songwriter whose sights are set on Nashville.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  02-27-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

SCC Likes to Share His Love of God with His Audiences

If Christian music had an Elvis, this would be the guy.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  10-12-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Reclaiming Lost Homes

With the meteoric rise in foreclosures nationally -- and particularly in Georgia -- courthouse auctios have become the mechanism by which a community reclaims many of the homes and, hopefully, begins to heal itself.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  10-12-2007  |  Housing & Development

Fighting Foreclosurenew

How to possibly stop foreclosure in its tracks.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  10-12-2007  |  Housing & Development

Henry Rollins Spoken Word: Titan of the Tonguenew

The legendary verbanator Henry Rollins is heading back out on the road. This time he's going to let America know what the "enemies" really think of us.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  09-19-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Scene of the Crime' is Like a Gritty Tableau of Lifenew

Sultry notes are delivered almost ethereally by LaVette, who seems to be channeling a long-gone New Orleans honky-tonk barfly.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  09-18-2007  |  Reviews

Cashing Innew

Rising Nashville stars woo crowds, appear on TLC and text message on hunting expeditions.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  09-18-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Listen Up!new

Say Vandelay takes its name from Seinfeld and rides an invisible Razor Scooter to build its local music reputation.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  09-18-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Come Togethernew

Augusta's Veara is on a fast track towards national success, and the band's Cory Rodgers says the new album is just the boost they need.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  09-18-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Wheelchair Crusadernew

Tim Hollobaugh's fight on behalf of the disabled is finally getting some attention -- whether it will result in any changes is another story.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  08-20-2007  |  Housing & Development

Tattoo My Heartnew

An intimate interview with Dashboard Confessional's Chris Carrabba.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  07-11-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Funny Book Man!new

Mark Schiff gathers hundreds of America's top comics who share tales from the roads.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  07-11-2007  |  Nonfiction

Growing up Gothnew

Take an insider's look at the Gothic culture as a lifestyle.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  07-11-2007  |  Culture

John Cowan, Bluegrass Boynew

The musician breaks genre molds and reinvents a song's melody by incorporating the unexpected.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  07-11-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Aint Singin' the Bluesnew

Delbert McClinton's sweet sounds.
Metro Spirit  |  Erika Bolin  |  07-11-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

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