AltWeeklies Wire
System Failurenew
New tales of teachers being paddled and foot fetishists being promoted emerge from a troubled charter school in Ohio.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
10-18-2005 |
Charter School Dashes Kids' Dreamsnew
Charter schools have been a disaster in Ohio, with students failing proficiency tests at more than twice the rate of public-school students. Even by these low standards, Cleveland's International Prep is in a class by itself.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
08-02-2005 |
Skirmishes in Ohio's War on Natural Healthnew
Ski-masked cops rushed into the office of a man who claims to do mechanotherapy and arrested him for allegedly practicing chiropractic without a license. Such aggressive tactics have pushed natural-health providers underground.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
05-11-2005 |
Catholic Church Opposes Bill Extending Time to Suenew
After intense lobbying by the Catholic Church, a bill allowing victims of child sex abuse to sue up until the time they turn 38 has languished in the Ohio House.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
05-04-2005 |
Ohio Democratic Party Keeps Sinkingnew

As the deadline approached for Ohio Democrats to challenge a new law that could give Republicans a permanent majority in the state legislature, the Democratic party cast urgent messages into the computer void, hoping someone else would do something.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
04-18-2005 |
Lawsuite Puts Shopping Mall Titan on a Hot Seatnew
Business magnate Dick Jacobs' nephew has filed a lawsuit accusing his uncle of taking or misspending as much as $448 million from family trusts, much of it to prop up failed real-estate investments in downtown Cleveland.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
03-23-2005 |
Business & Labor
Enduring a Modern-Day Witch Huntnew
It's difficult for someone who's always been a "he" to find acceptance as a "she." But it's an especially difficult change to make in Salem, a conservative factory town. Making the switch around firefighters is even tougher.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
01-26-2005 |
Ultrasound Reveals Doctor's Unorthodox Viewsnew
Dr. Dinesh Shah's views about measuring the amniotic fluid on pregnant women's ultrasounds were controversial -- and may have led to a baby's death.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
12-06-2004 |
Tags: Health & Science
The Voting Story Ohio's Secretary of State Didn't Want You to Readnew

In the months leading up to the Nov. 2 election, Ken Blackwell, Ohio's Republican secretary of state, did all he could to suppress the vote, ensure chaos and limit media scrutiny. Four Scene reporters covered the weirdness in Cleveland and Akron.
Cleveland Scene |
Denise Grollmus, Kevin Hoffman, Chris Maag and Rebecca Meiser |
11-11-2004 |
Thieves Pillage HUD-Owned Homesnew
By putting the same lock on every home it repossesses in Ohio, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development seems to invite break-ins. In Cleveland, every house owned by HUD gets looted.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
11-08-2004 |
Policy Issues
Underdog Senate Candidate Hiked Alone Across Ohionew
Democrat Eric Fingerhut doesn't have the money his powerful opponent, Republican George Voinovich, does. So he's walking across the state of Ohio, where nobody walks anywhere if he can possibly help it. Trudging along a two-lane highway could make a candidate look like a nut.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
10-25-2004 |
Tags: Campaign, U.S. Senate
Assault-Rifles Ban Was Nearly Worthlessnew
During the entire decade the assault-rifles ban was in effect, anyone -- gun collectors, criminals, terrorists -- could still buy assault rifles legally.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
10-12-2004 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: NRA, National Rifle Association, a terrorism expert, assault weapons, Bureau of Alcohol, Chechens, Dr. Neil Livingstone, executive director of the national Fraternal Order of Police, Gun-control advocates, Jim Pasco, Jim Titlow's Bushmaster XM-15 assault rifle, Tobacco and Firearms, crime & justice
Vice City: Join Ohio's Republican Leaders on a Crime Spreenew
The list of Republican scandals in Ohio is so long, it's tough to keep track of them all. This easy-to-use guide will help.
Cleveland Scene |
Chris Maag |
08-30-2004 |