AltWeeklies Wire

Howard's Beginningnew

Neighborhood activist jumps into Council race.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  11-29-2007  |  Politics

Citizens' Patrolnew

Cyclists to Cite Unsafe Drivers
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  11-29-2007  |  Transportation

Portland Cyclists Demand Solutions for Safer Streetsnew

Three high-profile collisions have galvanized Portland's non-motorized road users in an unprecedented way.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  11-26-2007  |  Transportation

Bump It or Dump Itnew

Council wrestles over budget surplus.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  11-15-2007  |  Economy

For the Kidsnew

Youth testify on OLCC's all-ages proposal.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  11-15-2007  |  Policy Issues

Grad Students Challenge Intelligent Designnew

Barbara Shaw and other graduate students are calling on the Library of Congress to re-classify intelligent design books into sections other than the science section.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  11-01-2007  |  Books

Overlooking Overlooknew

Complaint filed over interstate meeting.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  10-18-2007  |  Policy Issues

Preparing for Oregon's Two New Gay Rights Lawsnew

The laws outlawing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and creating domestic partnerships for same-sex couples are no longer in limbo, and will go into effect on January 1.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  10-18-2007  |  LGBT

Welcome To PDX, Ira Glassnew

Anti-gay church hosts lefty radio star.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  08-31-2007  |  LGBT

A Thorny Issuenew

Is a private donation fast-tracking park fix?
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  08-17-2007  |  Policy Issues

Raising a Red Flagnew

Neighbors complain about new bar.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  08-16-2007  |  Business & Labor

Big Homes, Small Lotsnew

SW neighbors fight new development trend.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  07-26-2007  |  Housing & Development

Everyone's a Criticnew

Conservatives blast Portland Airport art.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  07-19-2007  |  Media

No-Cause and Effectnew

Landlord allegedly evicts entire building.
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  06-28-2007  |  Housing & Development

Bus Stoppednew

TriMet operators plotting to bar teenage lesbians?
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  06-21-2007  |  LGBT

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